Querciten and a bladder supplement


Staff member
I don’t want to ginx it but I’m having really good luck with querciten and a supplement called Bladder Ease. I have been having really bad incon lately, I’ve only been making to the restroom maybe 40% of the time.

I have tried a supplement called bladder ease and it’s helped a bit but not notably. I’ve also taken quercitin from time to time for chest congestion and allergies. Today I decided since my I’m on and chest congestion/allergies have been really bad lately, I would jack up the dosages. 3 of the bladder ease pills vs 2 and 2000mg quercitine vs 500mg I usually take.

My bladder is way better. Still a bit leaky but just a few drops and no major spasms or floods - drank plenty of water and even had a redbull earlier.

There are a couple papers on pubmed about Quercitin that indicate it helps.
Wow so glad you shared!!
Must check it out!

Both are over the counter so no rx needed!

What brand are you using @Newbietothis?
As a pharmacist, I don’t believe in these supplements. These supplements don’t have FDA approval for the claims they make. Also upping the dosage could cause more harm. I don’t want to be mean, but I would talk to your doctor first before using supplements I have been a pharmacist for over 40 years, I also think Prevagen should be band.
Thank you for your input. This is nothing personal to you or your expertise but
I feel it is disgraceful that many rx are described as causing dementia and death in a side note so for me, ill take my chances.
@Health26 I totally agree with you. What don’t you like about Prevagen in case I ever need to recommend against it for someone close to me?
@Maymay941 Plenty of supplements kill people and/do permanent damage. Ever heard of Kratom? The only difference between supplements and prescriptions is that supplements don’t need to carry warnings (other than that they’re not evaluated by the FDA Regulated by the government in any way). Prescriptions do have to carry warnings so you know what you’re getting yourself into and they are therefore far safer.

What would you say to someone who came on here and claimed that white vinegar and baking soda cured incontinence? Right, they don’t.
@snow i trust Big Pharma as much as my side effects will allow. (Tongue in cheek as i dont have onstipation, migraines, nausea or denentia dry mouth and im still alive). For instance my ortho doc suggested twety years ago I must take Alleve daily "for the rest of my life". Now know it would have been avery bad idea for my liver (although my knee has healed without it) so im glad i didnt.
Certainly there is need for prescription drugs and one must deal with the potential side effects because of that.
Doctors rend to know little about supplements.
Incontinence has as many causes as stars in the sky and if someone suggests supplements are working fir them ill look into it for my version of the problem.
@Health26 - Hello - I agree with you that no one should just willy nilly experiment with dosages - However being FDA approved is hardly a fine shining example given their track record. Being FDA approved if you listen to the constant commercials with people having a grand time because of this miracle drug - then at the end they race through the side effects - hoping that you didn't hear them say death. - You certainly don't have to answer this, but do you take any supplements? I too would like to hear your opinion about Prevgen, or any other drug or supplement that you feel strongly about. Thanks - Pam
Here is some information for all those non FDA unapproved supplements people. If these supplements worked wouldn’t “Big Pharma” want to jump on the magical “supplements” already. Wouldn’t your MD or NP have recommended it. It is so so sad that people want to pick a fight with me. If you want to take your “magical supplements” than do so. I’ll follow my doctor’s advice and science.

Health26 said:
As a pharmacist, I don’t believe in these supplements. These supplements don’t have FDA approval for the claims they make. Also upping the dosage could cause more harm. I don’t want to be mean, but I would talk to your doctor first before using supplements I have been a pharmacist for over 40 years, I also think Prevagen should be band.

Yeah I get that supplements often don’t have the studies behind them but when pharma solutions don’t really work and at the same time cause terrible side effects what are we supposed to do?

Put yourself in my position. Doctors tell me that since no prescription works we should look at surgery and even that likely won’t be a 100% fix.

So even after a painful and expensive surgery I’m still gonna be waddling around in diapers pissong myself like a goddamn 2 year old, why the hell would I NOT try supplements????
One more note. The bladder ease supplement was recommended to me by an ND, not an MD or Pharma D but still someone with significant formal training. All I did was jack up the dosage, and my idea was to lower it once I started getting control.
@Newbie2this and @Health26

I am grateful to hear both your voices and hope you continue to post results of the treatment plans you are trying regardless of disagreements between any of us.

Newbie2 this thank you for continuing to prospect solutions and report back as you do.
@Health26 - I really don't think anyone here " was trying to pick a fight" with you. We are all happy to hear what anyone says, unless it is truly unreasonably insulting or out of line. You don't have to agree with someone - but that goes both ways. We can learn alot from each other. It's okay to disagree. Disagree all you want Health26 - We still need your voice. - Pam
Yes, @Health26, I told you I agree with you completely and that I was curious to know what’s wrong with Prevagen because my dad might start taking it because he’s exhibiting some signs of dementia but refuses to get testing. His other option he’s looking at is Neuriva. So I was sincere when I asked you for your advice. I think a pharmacist is almost as good as an MD if not better sometimes. I grew up with a pharmacist for a next-door neighbor and my best friend’s dad was also a pharmacist. I know how much education goes into it and how intelligent you guys are. In other countries, you even have as much power as a doctor sometimes.
@snow - Totally agree. You often will get more information from your pharmacist than your MD. The only time that I have been asked to consult with the pharmacist - who are always very busy - is if I am put on a new medication. So yes, no slam to Heath26 at all - but like Newbie said. Walk a mile in my shoes, possible dangers or not. - It doesn't matter what the topic is - supplements/ drugs. Life as it is - we all get to choose for good or ill - no matter what it is - Pam
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