Staff member
At the medical practice where I am registered, patient access has deteriorated since Covid. Access must be close to impossible for many patients, especially those who are ill, i.e. those likely to need it most.
I am a paralysed with a spinal injury. District nurses from the practice visit me on alternate days. This morning two of them were saying they never see most of the medical practitioners and do not even know whether they still work there.
Here in the UK, shortage of hospital beds is a perpetual issue. Am I the only one who suspects that sending patients to hospital is being used by some general practitioners as a way of unloading their work and responsibilities? I have been sent to hospital several times and never had or needed any treatment. Now I simply refuse to go.
I spent nearly all my working life as a university teacher. I noticed a remarkable decline in the quality of work achieved by students despite a big increase in entry grades i.e. grade inflation in 'A' levels (the entry qualifications). I suspect we are now experiencing the consequences of this in the quality of medical graduates.
I am a paralysed with a spinal injury. District nurses from the practice visit me on alternate days. This morning two of them were saying they never see most of the medical practitioners and do not even know whether they still work there.
Here in the UK, shortage of hospital beds is a perpetual issue. Am I the only one who suspects that sending patients to hospital is being used by some general practitioners as a way of unloading their work and responsibilities? I have been sent to hospital several times and never had or needed any treatment. Now I simply refuse to go.
I spent nearly all my working life as a university teacher. I noticed a remarkable decline in the quality of work achieved by students despite a big increase in entry grades i.e. grade inflation in 'A' levels (the entry qualifications). I suspect we are now experiencing the consequences of this in the quality of medical graduates.