
Staff member
Hi all,
It's been a while since I got on because I was doing better and had my urges under control so I even turned off notifications for the board. But my issues have returned again after catching my husband in infidelity. I already suspected I had PTSD from severe abuse I experienced as a child, but this has brought it all back stronger and at leastnow Ihave the diagnosis to help everything make sense. I finally started seeing a counselor and working on marriage counseling but I realize now that reflecting on all the times I have struggled more with incontinence, it was at the same time I was having intense anxiety and other PTSD symptoms. So now I wonder if this is going to be come and go with me always pr if the counseling will bring i5 completely under control eventuslly? Anyone else's incontinence stem from PTSD?
Sorry to hear about spousal infidelity. The PTSD is probably causing your incontinence. Congratulations on taking steps on correcting issues. Good luck.
My lifelong 40+ years of bedwetting was because of PTSD. Never could get a diagnosis from any urologist that said otherwise. It was frustrating to realize it was simply in my head but eventually I was happy that I could make some life changes, get the help I needed to address the issue since I could pinpoint where the problem stemmed from.
I am so sorry, Sarah. For all three horrible things your ptsd resulting trauma, the incontinence and the infidelity. You mentioned you are in marriage counseling. I hope the relationship can be saved if it is worth saving.

You have our prayers for recovery and our support always.
My bedwetting took a hiatus for a short time. I was under a lot of stress from having a terrible boss,who knew everything. I was constantly dumped on being low man on the totem pole. My co-workers were given tasks that should only take an hour or two, were taking 5-6 hours to complete.
I had to complete mine in allotted time. We were all doing basically the same thing, only with slight variations. This went on for several years with two different bosses. I screwed them over without them catching on by playing by their rules.
Finally bid out of that department to one I loved and worked at for 25 yrs.
My bedwetting never went away,but stress levels went way done.
My boss was such a fool that when "hot" jobs came thru no one stayed late to finish it. Job went out late and pissed off customers. They only scheduled overtime when it was convenient for them.
I’m terribly sorry you are dealing with this again, but I’m glad you finally got a diagnosis of PTSD. Without that diagnosis they would simply go on treating the symptoms but not the true cause. After my accident I walked around with PTSD for almost 10 years undiagnosed, I actually chose to go head on into things in order to beat these feelings thinking I could make myself immune to it, when in reality I was doing more harm as my heart would go out of rhythm, blood pressure through the roof etc. which I thought was just an adrenaline rush. I almost killed myself when I started passing out while driving one snowy Chicago morning on the freeway, thought I was having a massive heart attack.I found myself laying on the side of the road in a snow bank with Police and Paramedics cutting my shirt & coat off to get one of those huge Nitro patches on my chest.
This turned out to be caused by bottling up a fear I didn’t even know I had. Apparently the sound of a semi truck hitting its brakes would set off my body, without any input from my conscious mind. Every time I heard that sound my body was reliving the last thing I heard before that truck ran over me.
If not for that episode & diagnosis I would have been uselessly treated for a heart condition I didn’t have, so although this may sound twisted, at least you have a proper base to work forward with. PTSD is a tricky thing having been fine in war zones etc. with DOD after 9/11, but riding down the highway at home in the USA, my body- brain was going crazy! I wish you tremendous healing going forward, you really have a full plate.
Please keep us posted..
Take heart that you were doing so well with bladder control before the latest speed bump in life Sarah.

Wishing you strength for your efforts to deal with family issues and learning to navigate your body around the stress
Thank you all! Yes my marriage is worth saving but it will be a journey. My husband seems repentant and is taking steps to gain my trust again.
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