PSA rises from 7.95 to 9.32 in 6 weeks.


Staff member
74 year old male, non-smoker, heart issues related to afib, uses CPAP machine nightly.

PSA test rose from 7.95 to 9.32 in Six weeks. My PCP sent me to urologist after charting steadly rising PSA. From 2019 to 2023, 4.39 to 9.32. Biopsy scheduled for next month. Last had biopsy in 2010 for same symptoms, negative result. Currently prescribed furosemide and tamsulosin.

Chronic BPH for long time. Annoying, yes but not life changing. We learn to adjust. The sudden increase is reason for the biopsy.

I had my second ablation in July of this year. The first of October I went off Eliquis. Since that time I have been constipated. I used to be as regular as clock work.

I am thinking because I have lost maybe 40 pounds in the past year that my CPAP machine is too strong and I am getting a lot of air in my belly which moves to my intestines and dries out my stool. I also usually wake up with a fat hard belly. I feel bloated. then begins a series of belches and air farts.

I started sleeping without my CPAP=== thinking maybe since I lost weight I wouldn't need it anymore. My nurse wife chided me saying she didn't think it was wise doing that.

I am hoping that the rise in PSA level is related to the BPH. Six weeks ago DRE: Prostate > 40 grams, smooth and non-tender. No palpable nodules, induration, or other abnormalities AUA score 16/17

Maybe 30 years ago I was on a camping trip in Arkansas and I got so constipated that when I finally got movement the hardness gave me a prostate massage..I am wondering if being constipated and straingin for bowel movements could be a reason for the increase in PSA.

I was glad I brought my wife with me to the visit. I've been thinking about this stuff for about two days now, I never think of it at the doctor's office. So much info so fast.
1. To keep regular, I have ~10 prunes and some Bran Buds every morning, plus a glass of Metamucil. Habitual, so it's no problem, and it works.

2. Did your dad have prostate cancer? Mine did. Ended badly. So I always kept watch on PSA. It never got as high as you — even when I had cancer. My first urologist did an MRI, which looked very like cancer. So he did a biopsy -- and it was clear, to his amazement. But he wasn't satisfied, thank God, and connected with a colleague, who did a guided (Xray or sonogram, I forget which) biopsy. That turned up Gleason 9 prostate cancer. Saved my life.

So FWIW, maybe discuss with your urologist?
Your PSA is very high you need biopsy and Pet Scan later is essential. My husband had level 7 from biopsy and had prostec for cancer 2019. Pet scan this year showed kidney cancer which has not symptoms and grows slowly so lucky it was found by Pet Scan and had Nephrectomy 3 months ago. He is 75 so keep on top of it. Good luck.
I had constipation all my life taken aloe Vera juice for 35 years every night and prunes -4-5 at breakfast really works.
Last year, PSA went from 5.2 up to 8.1. Had a procedure done to take samples of my prostate. No cancer found. In May, my number went down to 5.1. Not sure why. Doctor thinks it's because of an enlarged prostate. Going for my check up in November
I had a PSA of only 4.5, which led to a DRE (nothing), then an MRI that showed a PIRADs 3 lesion (85% of which are benign), which led to a biopsy. The biopsy confirmed that the PIRADs 3 lesion was in fact benign, but discovered cancer in three of my four quadrants, the worst being a Gleason 9. The process saved my life, as the Gleason 9 had already breached the capsule of the prostate. So, get all the sans you can just to be sure.
I had three biopsies over about a 10 year period based upon increasing PSA levels (8.7 in 2013; 11.1 in 2015; 14.9 in 2018). First two biopsies did not detect any cancer but the third one (in 2018) did show evidence of the start of cancer. Cancer only detected in one of 9 samples so it implied it had just started. PET scan did not detect any cancer spread. My Gleason score was an 8 which according to my Doctor indicated an aggressive form of cancer. I also had a family history of prostate cancer so the Doctor recommended removal based upon both factors which I was in agreement with. After removal, remaining PSA was around 0.4 (indicating some additional remaining cancer cells) and the Dr. recommended both hormone therapy and radiation therapy which I agreed with. PSA has remained at 0/non-detectable since these treatments and it has been around 5 years now. I still leak during the day when physically active but none at night and ED is marginally OK but not great. I was 65 at the time of removal and am OK with the after-effects of prostate removal as I kind of look at it as being better than the cancer alternative.
One item of note is that my Dr. indicated that one can have a false high PSA reading if there is some type of infection going on so he put me on an antibiotic for a couple of weeks and repeated the PSA test to be sure. Unfortunately, PSA remained high.
My urologist referred me to radiologist because of high Gleason. He recommended radiation as a follow up to surgery which I did do. Was your biopsy sent for genetic testing? I had to fight with insurance company to do this, but it was what convinced me to do radiation also.
Gleason score is the ultimate determinate. PSA score gives early detection of cancer, but the Gleason score determines which route one goes, as per my Urologist. According to him, if Gleason score is 6 & under only monitoring is needed as the cancer is so slow growing that any action is unlikely. However, a 7 and up score requires some form of action. I chose RK surgery over radiation 26 months ago with non-detectable PSA level since then.
Thank you all for sharing. I had the biopsy this morning and it went smooth as could be.
I will know the results Friday or Monday.

The doctor told me my prostate was large an 80... compared to what I asked. he said 40 was large.

Tha ks for the input.
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