PSA after prostate removal


Staff member
I had a psa test done on Monday I’m just over 10 weeks since surgery and just got the results. I’m back at the urologist this coming Monday with results. My psa now is <0.003 before surgery it was 8.7. Does this seem about right after having surgery?
Yup, that's good. That is what is considered undetectable. I had my 3 yr. check up this past spring, and it was 0.003. As long as it stays there, we are pretty safe. I was told that if it is still that low at the 5 yr. mark, we should be good. I don't think once someone has any kind of cancer "cancer free" is never a certainty. My psa is good, but the incontinence continues. I still need diapers. Good luck in your recovery.
My results after surgery were similar to yours. I've had three SPA tests so far and another is scheduled for this month. All have been the same so far, basically undetectable. My surgery was in January and my Gleason Score was over 9. So far, so good! I hope you have continued good results!
I have my first post op PSA next week and very nervous about it. There was a small positive margin and one of my seminal vesicles had cancer though both lymph nodes were clear. Post op Gleason score was 7. PSA before surgery was 7.2. If the PSA is detectable they want to do 6 weeks of radiation therapy so hoping that doesn't happen but if it does it does. Doc said it's 50/50 on the PSA and 85% chance of total cure even if radiation has to happen. On a positive note I had a nearly dry day yesterday at 5 weeks and two days after catheter removal hope that continues!
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