Prostate issues


Staff member
Went for my "six month checkup" this week. My PSA numbers have been climbing slightly over the years. Need to schedule a MRI of prostate next week to see if any signs of cancer. Had biopsy done 5 yesrs ago no sign of cancer then. The numbers were high enough to suggest cancer could be present based on the gleason score. They were higher several years ago, but no cancer. Numbers came down, but are again rising. Will advise when I find out the results. Have a grest day.
Good luck. I can’t do MRIs as I’m claustrophobic but I wish Drs paid more attn to my numbers when they were going up. Another Biopsy might be next step after yr MRI. I had a RP w pos nodes and now on chemo but it’s working. PSA down to .1 from 63 post RP.
Good luck, Artiejr! A few years ago my numbers were increasing and I had two biopsies, but the doctor didn't find any cancer. That doctor retired and I went to another urologist who saw the numbers and turned me over to a surgeon who ordered an MRI and then did a "targeted" biopsy. He found cancer in two locations near the top of my prostate. He said that many doctors do not look for cancer near the top as most are found toward the bottom of the prostate. I was quickly scheduled for robotic prostate surgery and the prostate was removed. My Gleason Scores were 8 and 9. After a year, blood tests show "undetectable" PSA levels, so my news it still good. I hope all works out well for you too!
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