Prostate Cancer is Personal...and Deadly


Staff member
I lost a friend to prostate cancer. We knew each other since high school...class of '67. He had surgery before mine so I used him as a sounding board as I progressed from surgery through recovery. His cancer made it to the bones before surgery. He went thru a lot of different treatments over 6 years. Last week his battle ended. I have been more fortunate, so far. My PSA is still undetectable 18 months after surgery. I still deal with leakage issues but still going. Cancer is nasty stuff.
Sorry about your buddy, could be have been any one of us posting. I feel blessed, to be alive and happy to live with the side effects. Leakage pretty much gone,unless I over do the caffeine or my sugar gets to high.
Sorry for your loss.

Sorry for your leakage issues - how bad is that? Occasional? Constant? Just when in a hurry?

Stay strong. Care for yourself.
I consider my leakage issue minor. Coughing, sneezing, lifting or some straining will cause some discharge. I use a thin pad for protection. Its more a nuisance. I've returned to a rather normal life post surgery. I appreciate all the comments. Stay healthy.
It’s personal because it affects each of us differently. Side effects of treatment can be minor or very serious. And it’s usually not deadly, but it certainly can be and that is a worry for all who have it. I had surgery and then lengthly hormone treatment and radiation a year later after the second positive diagnosis. I am fortunate that it appears to be controlled now and effects are somewhat mild. The 2 and 1/2 year battle was draining, but it increased my faith in God tremendously and that is a blessing. May God bless you and your buddy, who is surely in a better place.
I'm sorry about him. Losing your friend sucks.
I had prostate cancer before a friend did, and it helped him to compare. My support group would get men who had been diagnosed but not "treated" yet, and they found having someone to talk to that had gone through it helpful, too. I recommend finding a support group, for after, if you can. Sometimes the hospital has one or can put you in touch. This forum helps.
Too many men don't get tested. The old "finger wave" was uncomfortable for several reason. The darned government put off getting tested for too young an age. I'd be dead if that criteria had been in effect, back in 2003.
It took several years to get over the effects of Chemo, more for hair and nails. If you had Chemo, I was told to never miss a flu shot or let my Pneumonia shot expire. I'm still taking an antibiotic prior to visit to dentist.
I hope you get your PSA done every year. It means peace of mind, too.
Second time on chemo. First time was breast cancer 5 years ago. I bounced back pretty fast then; not so sure this time. Really kicking my a$$. Older now, too. It’s so sad to read your friend died. My entire family had cancer, both younger bros died in their 50s, dad at 63, both younger sisters had thyroid cancer, and survived, and I’ve had four different cancers, apparently all unrelated. I’ve had genetic testing and was negative. Fight on.
All three of my siblings have or had cancer, also. It was a part of my older brothers death 10 years ago. He was 67. My sister seems to be in remission from breast cancer. She credits her dog for sniffing something amiss and got checked out. I guess there is some truth to that. I heard that my youngest brother is being treated for stomach cancer. He chose to isolate from the family quite a few years ago. But a friend gives me updates on him. My urologist said I will have PSA tests for 5 years from surgery time. As long as I stay undetectable the time frame between tests gets longer. Right now I am every 4 mos. Fight on...I like that. I've gone to the doctor for years getting checkups. Blood work has always been done and PSA has always been included. Never gave it much thought until it started going up. I feel fortunate that I took the time for checkups. Those that don't may be playing Russian roulette.
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