Prostate biopsy


Staff member
Had to go thru a prostate biopsy last week. My Gleason score last year was 6.
This year was 8. No known cancer symptoms. Will update when I can.
My gleason was 4 and 3 (7) and turned out to be stage 3 cancer. Your urologist will advise you but, as I understand it, a gleason of 7 or 8 often results in some level of intervention/treatment (depending on your age). I'm glad to have had my prostate removed at that point despite the after effects. My PSA numbers have been zero following surgery and every three months thereafter giving me great peace of mind. Just waiting to activate my AUS implant so I can be dry again! Best of luck with your situation.
My Gleason was 5 and 4 = 9 post-surgery, so I had basically life-saving surgery when I had my prostatectomy. Now, 5+ years later, PSA is non-detectable. AUS was activated in March, so I’m just about a normal old guy now. Enjoying life because my urologist saved my life!
Please dont whistle in the dark. A Gleason score of 8 is serious business, a google search will tell you as much as should your urologist.
Surgery and radiation or Cyberknife are probably in the offing.
Good luck
My Gleason was 7(3+4) If first number is higher than second it means more aggressive cancer. I chose surgery. Getting first post PSA next week.
I had three biopsies over about a 10 year period based upon increasing PSA levels. First two biopsies did not detect any cancer but the third one did show evidence of the start of cancer. My Gleason score was an 8 which according to my Doctor indicated an aggressive form of cancer. I also had a family history of prostate cancer so the Doctor recommended removal based upon both factors which I was in agreement with. After removal, PSA was around 0.4 (indicating some additional remaining cancer cells) and the Dr. recommended both hormone therapy and radiation which I agreed with. PSA has remained at 0/non-detectable since these treatments and it has been around 5 years now. I still leak during the day when physically active but none at night and ED is marginally OK. I was 65 at the time of removal and am OK with the after-effects of prostate removal as I kind of look at it as being better than the cancer alternative.
Thanks for all your advice. Still awaiting results. Doctor said it should take about a week for results. Giving it two more days before I call him. Hopefully I get good news. Will update when I find something.
Just got results from biopsy. NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER, even though my numbers were high. He said it could be from enlarged prostate. Found some pre-cancer cells which will be monitored.
Yes. That's correct. High number could from enlarged prostate, or other reasons. Doctor will advise next step in January. No removal yet.
It seems to me you're confusing a PSA with a
Gleason score which is determined by examining cells from the biopsy and assigning a value.
An elevated PSA could be the result of an enlarged prostate but is not determined by a biopsy but rather a blood test
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