Post robotic prostatectomy incontinence


Staff member
I had robotic prostatectomy 5 weeks ago. At 3 weeks I could pretty much anticipate when I needed to go. Then at 4 weeks I started having more leakage and at 5 weeks I had a lot of leakage. Obviously I am up/down more and standing more now compared to laying around at 3 weeks. Doc says control will return. What has been readers experience with this. Doing kegels. Thankd
Keep up the Labels, get out and walk several times a day. You'll starting seeing slow progress. I was totally dry at 10-12 weeks, saw the most progress 5-8 weeks. You'll have good days, then a bad day, key is patience.
Keep your head up and keep the faith!
Patience is key. I had my surgery 11/11/19 and it was shocking on the amount of fluid the human body gets rid of. Keep doing Kegels. Just like you laying down and sitting didn’t leak much. When I would stand, walk, lift etc I would leak a lot. I went back to my physical therapist and we are working on the abdominal muscles and it’s helping a lot.i now go through 2 pads instead of 8
Thanks for the feedback. I am using depends and pad them with paper towels so I only go thru 1-2 depends a day. I havent used pads in underwear much. Man, did I swell and go black over a 1.5 x2 ft area! My testicles looked like last weeks avocados
Doug, Gkimp has great advice. I had surgery back in January and am doing well. I'm pretty much on course with his progress. I'm dry at night and use two pads a day, depending on how active I am. My brother had his surgery two weeks ago and is having the same avocado problem you are. Stay the course with kegels - they are working for me!
Doug, I was numb in the groin area, testicles hurt, still sensitive, it major surgery! Takes time to heal. I was doing Kagles, but it want until some of the numbness reduced that I could feel I was doing them right.
I had my surgery on 1/6/20 and leaked anytime I was on my feet for weeks. When I started leaking I couldn't stop it. Finally start seeing some improvement week 6 and substantial improvement at week 9. I just went back to work this week and while I'm leaking more than when I was at home it's way better than I imagined it could be just a few weeks earlier. While at home I walked on treadmill twice a day for total of 5 mile and would do pelvic floor/core exercises for 30 minutes in addition to kegals. I have never been one with a lot of patience so this has been an emotional journey, but I'm finally optimistic that I will be dry some day.
You guys are great. I will continue the kegels and I have been walking, lifting light weights. I just turned 72 so that adds to my impatience. Sound advice and encouragement from all of you
I am 5 weeks out from robotic surgery. Thanks for the input. Dry at night. Leak when getting up from chair or out of the car. 2 Depend Maximum pads a day and sleeping in full brief. Seeing pelvic floor therapist weekly and doing exercises as directed. Thanks for the info it is encouraging to read.
You are ahead of the curve. I had BPH surgery twice before and surgeon says that sometimes causes a problem. Unfortunately the havent recc any exercises other than kegels and barely mentioned that. So I will press him Tue at 6 week recheck
I had surgery 11/25/2018. Until two weeks ago went through 8 pads a day, with little control. Have been seeing pelvic floor pt. This week was first time I have gone through the night without changing pads. The last two days 4 pads. Also was told use whirlpool tub daily. That had helped. Another person at work said his took a year to be dry.
I am 65, said it takes longer w age.
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