Possible Spine Surgery and wearing diapers after


Staff member
My primary care doctor is referring me to a neurosurgeon because of my lumbar spine has a pinched nerve in one of my discs. May need to have surgery. Will this cause my incontinence to get better or worse. If I have surgery and get hospitalized this will be the first time for any extended amount I will be in the hospital wearing diapers. I probably need to tell my surgeon and nurses I use and wear diapers for my incontinence. If I request, will they keep me in diapers while in the hospital or will they try to cath me? Just wanting to know.
They will probably Cath you during the surgery. During intake, a Nurse always goes over medical issues. When incontinence is addressed they ask me how I deal with this t and that is pretty much it. The worst I've gotten it is they have put a bed pad down as a just in case.
So they won't let you wear diapers even if you tell them you are urinary incontinent and wear them 24/7? What if you said you would feel more comfortable wearing diapers.
You probably need to discuss this with your medical team. If you have lower spine surgery, changing a diaper might be difficult for a while? Here in the UK you have a pre-surgery appointment if it isn't an emergency. If it is the same there, I would ask about your wishes then. I hope it all works out well for you, Phil
I was in inpatient Physical therapy for 6 weeks after spinal surgery and the hospital supplied diapers for me.They even sent a case home when I was discharged.
wadebailey: did nurses or someone help with your diaper changes? And were the diapers any good? If so, maybe they will do what they did for you for me.
If the diaper gets in the way of the surgery they’ll go with a catheter but in most cases they will let you deal with your incontinence the way your most comfortable with. Most hospitals want people to be comfortable!! Just be up front and honest with them and I’m sure they will accommodate you as much as possible.
Yes they helped me change them. I can't remember the name of them but they were alright.They weren't a popular brand.The nurses I had were really good about helping me.They we're very understanding and made it so I wasn't as embarrassed.
When I had my back surgery, I brought my own diapers and used them the entire time I was in hospital. I ended up having a spinal fluid leak and they had to go back in 30 days later and I was back in for a total of 8 days due to having seizures and ending up in icu. I was still in diapers the whole time, as embarrassing as it was, yes they changed me when I was unable to do it myself.
For almost any surgery involving general anesthesia, you are cathed during procedure so they can track your output and make sure your kidneys are healthy and tolerating the procedure. Most of the time, you will wake up with the catheter. They may want to leave it in for a certain period of time after (and you may want to keep it for a bit, so that you don't have to think about moving to change). On the whole, they're usually very cooperative about taking it out when you feel ready to have it out. They'll provide any continence products you want, but if you like specific ones, best bring them along! Best of luck!
It depends on the hospital... one hospital I was in had nothing suitable for me (I’m very large)and made no offer to get anything else. I ended up bringing my own. Sometimes my preference is strongly a catheter. They generally don’t quite understand that. I had a heart procedure that required me to lay flat for six hours. I insisted on a cath because there was no way I’d make it that amount of time without having to use the bathroom. Then they wanted to take it out ASAP. I again explained my issue and pointed out that we’d all be happier with the cath until before they released me the following day. They didn’t argue with that. In my experience, once it’s in, you don’t really feel it any way. So much neater (LOL) and easier.
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