Did anyone else Square Dance, on here? Lord, I do miss it. These do remind me of the "petty-pants" most women wore under their dresses. Then there were the pettycoats - everything color coordinated, usually. The whirls and swings certainly saw to it that you saw! I don't think these would have gone over with our crowd. For fun, several "squares" of dancers would reverse the men-women positions, dancing the other part - that messed with the caller, too. They didn't reverse clothes. Not enough men? Women just took their place in a square. National Conventions used to reach up to 30,000. The arrival night welcome dance, 3 days of dancing, the departure dance next morning.
Hmmm. I don't remember any men wearing kilts, here, but we square-danced in England, our only trip there.
I'll bet more than several of the square dance figures are problematic for incontinence....
Dang! I do miss it.
There were 2 things the National Board couldn't get the hosting city to take in. The enormous amount of food put away by people who dance all day - not to mention dessert at 11PM. Restaurants nearby would actually run out of food. The next one was - wait for it - adequate, clean, and restocked bathrooms. We always had dancers in wheelchairs, too.
Square dancing is a contact support, and: Square dancers do it in groups of 8.