billliveshere said:
Hi FLGuy, You are on the right track and it may take a while for you to get used to it, re: the med schedule and the travel time. But stick with it. Since changing when you take your meds you say you are fearful of having accidents while there or on the way. Have you actually had any accidents since or is it just a strong urge feeling that you might? If there's a doubt in your mind, by all means do tell the therapist when you get there. I'm sure this won't be the first time she has heard that, so please speak up!
If you have actually had accidents, do tell your doctor posthaste. And do mention it if you just have that feeling that you are about to have an accident. Either way, your doctor should know about it!
So..The thing is that I have been having accidents, both bladder and bowel. I had two on the way to my appointment and stopped and changed halfway...and then when I got there.
My Physical therapist is aware and I will be bringing my new PCP up to speed on Friday when I see him.
The big thing is that I am stressed out about some things right now.
First is that my main medical insurance is trying to get information from me to see when this all started. I had my mom read the form and she seems to think that it is to make sure that this did not happen at work. Still it is kind of off because it seems like they are trying to get questions answered that would push me toward SSD.
Second it that my short term disability has to be extended into long term or I will have to go back to work with all that is going on to be able to pay Rep seems to think that I have a case for long term through them but that would only cover so long but would establish a SSD claim with their help..(IE They would act as my application representative)
Lastly... I have become shut in.. It I am not shopping for food or going to doctors visits I am home. (This is two fold, I have to stay away from people so I don't get covid...and I am stressed because I have had a lot of accidents while out and about.)
@Snow.... No I have no pets...Not allowed at my apartment, Man do I wish. I have been keeping my sanity by playing video games and working on video editing a bit. (Something else I love.. Not a lot right now because I need to clean up my space and bending and picking stuff up makes stuff worse so...Another thing I have to talk to my doctor and physical therapist about.)
All in all since December 2018 my life has went crazy. Way to young to have acute diverticulitis with abscesses and a perforation in my bowel... Then surgery...And now all these side effects.. I went from okay with having accidents at night to being in a diaper or pull-up 24/7 with no end in sight...
Even if it was just my bladder, it is too much to deal with where I work all the time...and to expensive.. Like $6-$8 per day just for day time pull-ups and another $2.5 per night.
And I just cannot make it a full night at work.. I work 3..12 hour shifts so if I miss one day that is $200 out of my check pre tax... That is a big blow...
I had my bills down to $900 pre month before all of this.. Now it is like $1200 to be okay, eat, and pay bills.
All in all thing are not going well and with covid it just sucks.. Luck I have call of duty to keep me happy and a lot of youtube to learn video editing.
I guess it could be worse...
Side note*** My Mom has been looking at all of my symptoms and seems to think that I have a few things that point to MS.. Don't know enough about it but I will be looking into it..