Pediatric urologist


Staff member
Thank you all for your help and support with my first post.

Now, a second question...Can anyone recommend a pediatric urologist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, especially one who specializes in neurogenic bladder? I feel like we've done all we can with our current doctors.

Thanks all!
There is a client review .com called which might provide sone names and reviews.
Thats the best i can offer on the topic but good for you to keep looking for good medical help.
I'm sorry I can't I don't know of any especially since I am in Wisconsin but hope you find a good one good luck to you
Ive been thinking what would i do if i were in your situation.
I would use tools like Healthgrades or nextdoor (alot of people
In my area do medical referral questions on next door) or friends recommendations for a GREAT PEDIATRICIAN one who is flagged at being a good listener. I would then go see that doctor and ask for a referral to s pediatric urologist.
I would also look for a good family therapist to discuss how to come to grips with a lifestyle that your child is facing as i frankly see a lot of adults here who have had incontinence from childhood and frankly its just the way some of us are built.
A weak bladder
Wonky knees
Poor eyesight
Predilictions to ear infections
We all have a variety pack of body issues that are just part of our unique human wiring.
I dont seee a perfect magical cure from any one on this forum. Just a lot of medical treatments that can be painful but not very effective. Finding ways to guide your child in copingband realizing not every childhood experience like sleep overs or sleep away camp is an experience for every child. It is what it is.
Best wishes.
risas said:
Thank you all for your help and support with my first post.

Now, a second question...Can anyone recommend a pediatric urologist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, especially one who specializes in neurogenic bladder? I feel like we've done all we can with our current doctors.

Thanks all!

Forget about pediatric. Go right to the top rated urologist in your area. So many make the mistake of going to pediatric doctors. They may not be bad, but they specialize in near infant age and not maturing children.
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