I bedwet my entire life and struggled with pants wetting growing up. I had thick training pants I used during the day to help contain my leaks between hurrying to get to bathrooms too many times a day. I wore thick cloth diapers at night until high school then dealt with flooded sheets every night. Dr. visits were embarrassing having to talk to nurses and dr's about bed wetting. I had wet alarms, nasal sprays and other prescribed medications, all of which did nothing. I never had a through euro study done until I was in my 30's when it was discovered I had a neurogenic bladder and the study tech said I had this condition for a very long time (how she knew this I have no idea). Anyway the dr. said with no evidence of a spinal condition or accident I probably had it from birth. I was frustrated and even angry after going all those years beating myself up for not controlling my bladder I discover I never had a chance of gaining control. The dr. said they could do surgery which "may" help the issue but I have a pretty bad record when it comes to surgical proceedures so decided to just manage the issue, which I do.