Other people noticing

I had a funny one that I might have told here before but it is funny enough to say again.

Back in June of last year, I had a dual colonoscopy and endoscopy done the same day. My Mom and Nanny took me.

I woke up in recovery and still felt a bit off but good enough I thought to get dressed. Well, I dropped something behind a chair and bent over to get it I go stock with my head on the wall bent over with my pant halfway down and my pull-up showing.

The worst thing is I was so dizzy that I had to call for help. So in came my mom and nanny with the nurse.

I got a few questions as to why I was wearing a pull-up but my mom talked to the nurse for me. I ended up getting wheeled out because they did not trust me to walk after that.

The only other thing that has come up is my nieces found out after we went to the amusement park together and never said anything to me about it. The conversation came up on accident when I was talking to my sister and did not know that the girls were in the car (Though that they were at their dad's). They said that they thought that something was up because of my backpack and my butt looked weird when we left. (I had to change and I was wearing shorts that were a bit small. I don't care that they know and truly they both could have found out years ago because when I was still FLguy they lived with me and my parents.

The other recent time was when I went to the courthouse. My bag had to be xrayed. The cop that did it told me that my credit card company can pound sand. Said if you are so messed up that you need what is in your bag then they cannot do anything to you.
One piece of advice I had for people who wear pullups is check the fit to make sure not only that they fit good, but that they aren't sticking out a lot. Some brands tend to ride up higher and be more visible. If this bothers you, wear a baggier shirt underneath to limit visibility. They ride up higher on the body for some reason. I had a coworker mention it was visible twice yesterday, and I was so thankful they told me about it but nobody else did for a few hours. That is life, find a friend who can look out for you.
Checking for fit is definitely a must!! Mainly because a good fit helps curb leaks. If the fit is too loose then here come the leaks! And if too tight then it's hugely uncomfortable and you won't be able to function because your pull-ups are so uncomfortable and you won't be able to take your mind off it. Been there and done that!!I agree that some brands do ride higher than others. And your advice about wearing a bigger or baggier shirt is spot-on!
And it sounded like this co-worker was very discreet in telling you that you were visible and that you weren't unduly embarrassed. That sounds like someone who has your best interests at heart and wants to spare you embarrassment in a loving, friendly way.
Hi FlGuy, It's not surprising they called for a wheelchair when they discharged you after your endoscopy and colonoscopy (I had two of them done the same time myself). The anesthesia takes about 24 hours to work itself out of your body and they really want you to do only the minimal during that time. That is, don't go to work, don't sign checks or important documents, the whole 9 yards. When I had the two done at the same time, I left the hospital in a wheelchair but patients being discharged from there always get a free wheelchair ride out to their car (or other conveyance)as they don't want any slips and falls leading to potentially huge lawsuits. So even if you were fully alert you would've been wheeled out.
When I had a colonoscopy at a surgery center three years later, my ride, a coworker at the nature center, came in the exit and I then walked out under my own steam.
I think your trip to the courthouse elicited sympathy from the guard who x-rayed your backpack. It's good to see he's on our side and repudiates the attitudes of the big corporations.
I became less concerned about wearing diapers when I had a through urodynamic study done in my early 30’s. I have always worn pin on diapers with plastic pants overnight to try and control not getting my bed wet. Plastic mattress cover of course is essential. About 15 years ago I finally decided to stop battling all my daytime bathroom rushes and leaks and went to daytime disposable diapers. Once I did that I no longer had any concern or stress over my wetting. I’ve never broadcast my urinary issue but don’t hide from it either. Many people in my life know I’m in diapers all the time and I’ve found no one cares at all about it. When I’m in a shared room situation, locker room, or any other shared space I let the other person or persons know.
Agreed Donny, honestly the major part is just growing past caring what other people think. I didn’t realize how huge the burden when I did care.

It was a huge relief at least for myself once I didn’t care.

Stay safe and relax external people to you you also probably will never see again. Lol


Right on everybody! We just wear what we need to and just get on with our business and we do that no one is any the wiser!!!
I almost was noticed at work last week. I have been incontinent for a few years now but now officially to the point of having to use diapers all day and night. My HR person knows about it and that I have to wear diapers and she keeps it to herself thank goodness. I was just leaving the bathroom the other day and right before I go out on the floor she yells my name and walks up to me pretty fast then grabs the back of my shirt and gives it a tug. She whispers in my ear because she didn't want to say it out loud.."your diaper was showing out the back of your pants." She pulled my shirt over it and I was good. Apparently my shirt got in the way while I was changing and I fastened the diaper over my shirt. Thank goodness she caught that and was a sweetheart to tug my shirt down to prevent me from any embarassment!!
Thank your lucky stars you work where you work and you have that HR person who (literally) has your back!!!
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