Yes, Snow, I didn't know what to think at first, but I've thought about it. Thank you for pointing it out! There is every reason to be cautious and anybody in any profession should know how to write and spell at all times. I can't see how anything less would be acceptable especially when professionals make out their reports and notes so they could be clearly understood. And in the nursing profession any exception to that is unacceptable. Patients' lives depend on clearly written, properly spelled notes. I will be the first to admit that my typing is not exactly world-class, but before I post something here I always go through it and edit out the mistakes so everything is clearly stated. It's just habit.
And AlasSouth, I think there is a specialty for incontinence nurses. More specifically, they are called WOCN or wound, ostomy and continence nurse which I think is a very valuable profession and many patients are so much better off having had one of those nurses take care of them. They step in when doctors don't have the time to spend with those patients. And I'm also sure there are pricy journals for those special nurses. And I know that "just" LPNs have been a valued part of nursing for a long time and that they too, aren't immune from needing to spell and communicate effectively.
And yes, I do remember Miss Spelling! I've found myself going down that road a time or two myself! I think she's also related to Miss Cellaneous as well! Good night everyone, better quit while I'm ahead!