NURSE look to help


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hello my name is sara westfile and am a incontinence/bladder nurse if it's any way I can help you please
Welcome!! This forum is the best resource for incontinence help. I’m sure the forum fam will be so excited to have you contribute!
Big Welcome! At 83 years old is it too late to try and stop my bladder issues?
I have no control over my bladder except at night. I do not wet the bed .I get up 2 times a night. During the day I pack myself with diapers and pads. It costs me a huge amount of money. Mostly that takes care of the out door events and during a normal day. However sometimes I stand up and all hell breaks lose. Then I am in a pool of pee. I am still fighting and will continue till my last breath but do you have any suggestions?
Hi Sara! I am a 42 year old Male with complete urinary and light fecal incontinence.I have had all the test and my doctors think it is neurological. Therefore I have been having to wear diapers for over 2 years now with no end in site. How do I best deal with this if my doctors can't even help me.I'm going to a new urologist this month at a Continence Center so maybe they can help me.

Hello Sara and welcome to the form, there are many many great people here with varied degrees of Incontinence, most of us have learned on the fly how to deal with the leaks but we all have benefited from this form!! Thank you for joining us and I am sure you will be a great help to many here, plus if you have questions please don’t hesitate to throw it out there for us, we will be honest and real with you!! Hope your having a great day!!
Welcome Sara to group 😀. My name is Jamie and little about me, I have been incontend for my years and have serval other medical issue to. I in diapers for most of my life. I'm am 50 and my medical issue are starting to get worse and wetting to. I have to be in diapers 24/7. If you have any questions please let me know.
Hi Sara, It's good to have you join us and welcome!:D I haven't been on this forum for too many months now but it is helping me and there are a whole bunch of terrific people who you will meet. I enjoy chatting with everybody and I think you will too! Everybody here is honest and compassionate which makes this a truly great resource.
Thank you for stopping by and joining us.
Warning: nurses have a minimum of a masters degree and six years of higher collegiate education, plus internship and extensive exams. Nurses know how to spell and type. Sarafirefly clearly does not. Be careful how you choose to communicate with a potential imposter. Sorry to be a downer. Sara, if you’re the real deal, I’m sorry if I offended you. We share A LOT of very private information on this site and trolls are not welcome. REAL nurses are welcome.
Dang it, SNOW, but you are right to be cautious. Although my sister-in-law was a "just" an LPN, she could spell. Of course, she went to grade school/highschool in the 40s/50s, so maybe that was it?
I wouldn't be surprised if there is a specialty, now, for "incontinence/bladder nurse". Who else to work in a urology office?
There is probably even a Journal for it (at several hundred dollars for a year's subscription).
My excuse for miss-spelling is old age - and I'm sticking to it! You remember Miss Spelling; she was a cousin of Miss(ing) Link).
[Sorry] :oops:
I am sorry to be a cynical B*****D! but I agree with Snow completely. My wife and 3 of my sisters all have a minimum of 8 years of higher education in science, biology, chemistry etc. in addition to nursing, and if they were to send me a note/text/email with such poor structure not to mention the typos, I wouldn’t even recognize it and would automatically delete it as spam. Sorry to say it, but our collective shared information could be worth a bundle in the wrong hands. Not only that but I think we all do a pretty good job in keeping this a “Safe” place that we share things that people who’ve never walked in our shoes could ever truly comprehend. Other similar places I’ve looked at over the years all get taken over by people “Other” agendas, and I’d hate to see that happen to us!
Great catch Snow!
Yes, Snow, I didn't know what to think at first, but I've thought about it. Thank you for pointing it out! There is every reason to be cautious and anybody in any profession should know how to write and spell at all times. I can't see how anything less would be acceptable especially when professionals make out their reports and notes so they could be clearly understood. And in the nursing profession any exception to that is unacceptable. Patients' lives depend on clearly written, properly spelled notes. I will be the first to admit that my typing is not exactly world-class, but before I post something here I always go through it and edit out the mistakes so everything is clearly stated. It's just habit.
And AlasSouth, I think there is a specialty for incontinence nurses. More specifically, they are called WOCN or wound, ostomy and continence nurse which I think is a very valuable profession and many patients are so much better off having had one of those nurses take care of them. They step in when doctors don't have the time to spend with those patients. And I'm also sure there are pricy journals for those special nurses. And I know that "just" LPNs have been a valued part of nursing for a long time and that they too, aren't immune from needing to spell and communicate effectively.
And yes, I do remember Miss Spelling! I've found myself going down that road a time or two myself! I think she's also related to Miss Cellaneous as well! Good night everyone, better quit while I'm ahead!
Boy oh boy, @Sprung87, Is my face red! I must have fallen asleep at the switch back there in not picking up those typos and sentence structure. Those are excellent points and one that a relative novice here like me could have somehow let slip by. I certainly appreciate you and Snow (and others) for keeping this a safe place for everyone. I know what you mean in that other sites do get taken over by people with those other agendas you mentioned and I don't want to see that happen here either.
More likely than not, the OP has an agenda not suitable to our discussions. Should their continued postings OVER TIME establish a line of credibility, that may clear some of the doubts currently expressed. As always on the Internet, use caution.
@andy1050, that's an excellent point! We'll just have to watch it as time goes by and try to determine what, if any, credibility emerges. But thinking more about this I'm going to play the devil's advocate for a minute or two. If I were a professional, like a nurse or therapist or what have you, who's interested in incontinence and urology, I would introduce myself by saying what my degree is and where I went to school. I would also give a thumbnail of where I have done work related to incontinence and urology. I would emphasize where and how many years I spent the most time in practice and if I had earned any awards for my work or even letters of commendation from my patients or the doctor who employed me. A presentation like that should do much to relieve any anxiety or doubt on our part. Does everyone agree that would be a good policy for any medical professionals who want to be on this forum?
@billliveshere: That is why I worded my remark as I did. Thus far, there seems to be no response and I'd tend to side with you in how we'd expect a proper (professional) introduction should be made.
By the way friends, I think it’s okay to make mistakes with typing, grammar, and spelling. I don’t judge y’all for that. I’m happy to learn from all of you, and we all usually understand one another’s posts, even if there are some errors in the writing.

It’s just really weird if a professional (the “nurse”) with that much education doesn’t have better presentation.

Wouldn’t it be great if she really was a nurse? Or a doctor? We could all use some of those here on the forum to answer lots of questions many of us have. But I don’t blame a professional if they don’t want to spend their scant free time, continuing to do their job after they finish work for the day. Plus, we would bombard and overwhelm them ;)

I’m glad we have each other to mutually help ourselves as a group and as individuals!

Thank you for your responses, @snow and @andy1050. I hope others can join in as well. Now I'm wondering if the folks at NAFC reads these and if they would be willing to have that become a policy. I really don't want any of us to get burned if someone comes in with agenda that is other than what we want.
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