Not again, thought I was in the clear.


Staff member
After some pt last year my UI seemed to go away. This week tho the urges have gotten strong and sudden again and after a couple episodes of not being able to make it to the restroom in time I just put on a diaper for the first time in maybe 7 or 8 months. It’s both humiliating and a huge boost to confidence to know I won’t embarrass myself in public.

Is reoccurrence of this sort a thing that’s common in oab/uui? I plan to call my urologist next week but until then I’m just sorta sad and scared. I’m 33. I shouldn’t have these issues.
I am 40 years old and have OAB and Neurogenic Bladder. My urologist has done all he can and now seeing a neurologist who is running all sorts of tests. Been having to wear diapers full time for more than a year now!
I am 40 and had a cough for 2 months which caused it for me. I have been doing kegals with a biofeedback exerciser and it has actually helped a lot. I am just starting out with this but I am hoping it is going to be effective long term as well.
This isn’t the way any of us thought it would go but it’s also not the end of life as we know it!! I’ve been UI since 2004 and my condition has slowly deteriorated from just needing overnight protection to now all day and all night and I’m 45. So just find your way to manage until you find your cure or medical ways to help get through. We are all here for help, advice, or just listen!! This board is truly great and there are so many people here to lean on and talk to, Ive gotten through many days with the help of this board so do your research and talk to lots of people about how they’ve dealt with it and most importantly be PATIENT!!
Having to wear diapers is not all bad. Sometimes inconvenient, but nothing to worry about so I have found. My wife knows that I have a neurogenic bladder problem that requires me to wear diapers all the time and she is accepting of it. My Dr. is still running more tests to try to pinpoint the cause.
Going to the doctor is the best move. For some of us it remains a mystery. If PT helped before might again.Wishing you good health.
It’s really hard when you have a respite and are holding your breath hoping it will help, and it comes back. I’m sorry about that.
Thanks for all the encouragement. My plan is to treat it like nothing changed. Yesterday I got dressed and went to work and I’ll do the same Monday just with different underwear. And in the mean time I’m gonna go out and try to enjoy the weekend without having to panic about not knowing where the restroom is.

I’m trying to find the positive in this and honestly just wearing a diaper when I went out to lunch with a friend a couple hrs ago was great. I was more relaxed because I knew if I didn’t make the restroom in time I was ok.
Attitude is everything. Keep your mind focused on the good things. Exercise and be happy you’re alive!!
Not sure about "re-occurance" versus "continuing". I got a starting improvement from brain cancer operation, if you can believe that.
Going to urologist for all the tests only eliminated things, which is good, but no fix. A new thread told me about "noctiva" (Did i spell that right? Didn't say if only for woman, or both, or what the long-term result is. Going to ask. Not sure i need a weekly blood test - yet one more? Sheesh. Kegals were temporary help, for me. Do them trying to make it do bathroom, in essence, anyway, so to hell with them. I guess they work for some. It does seem like this issue doesn't interest the medical profession very much, but lately there seems to be change, and some new ideas/devices/drugs, so stay tuned.
You know what, JaunZ? I get darned tired of being told "it's better than the alternative". Attitude is a lot of life, i realize. I guess that varies with what a person perceives as "quality of life", how much you need do physically to survive, how much you want/need to be out of house, and (the biggy) all the other problems you have.
Good luck and God Bless
I have to say AlasSouth, I think of the alternative is just fine it's part of life just as living with and around our changing bodies so I embrace the whole adventure past present and future and when incontinence throws a curve in the road I take a different lifestyle and keep on the road of life.
Whoops swerving a bit off topic but here's to it all the big messy ALL!!
Drink several hours before bedtime Andy, or, to hell with it, empty the bottle at will and laugh as you down the last drop I say!
I was dry for awhile then the incontinence came back and been in diapers for yrs.My wife knows and is a big supporter and to top it off have developed some ibs.
That's the irony, some who know us now will develop issues later. But thankfully she is s kind soul who supports her mate
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