Nightime Reflections


Staff member
Hey, its HC here. I hope you are doing well tonight. I just had some night reflections after a long tiring day.

One of the things i saw on here recently talked about in the forums was the stigmatism between feeling infantile and how much on the forums we discuss protection.

Personally speaking, when you have a pack of diapers held over your head growing up and are spoken to in a belittling fashion.

It stays with you. Like a craw in your throat. Sticks to you day by day. Am i lesser of a human being because i have to wear a fitted brief?

I remember in the psychiatric hospital when i was admitted; being so embarassed about my bladder issues. It was something i took care of myself - but having to just even ask for a brief was something i didnt want to do. I suppose it was my brain taking me back to the negative emotions and the trauma from the past.

Anyway, regardless of the fact. A week ago, maybe more. I cant remember what day, a man showed up at my work - being a close relative to the woman who used to humiliate myself for accidents - and its like your brain is on recording mode because you have memories from the past playing in the background that hurt you.

In the evening, this past week ive come home and crawled into bed in pain. From what ive read, the pain seems similar to "Painful Bladder Syndrome" so over the past few months ive been doing research on that - and the causes of OAB and leakage and urgency.

And i dont know, i just want it to go away. I dont have people in my life for support on these kind of things - i guess not someone i could relate to.

These past few months have been lonely. Ive felt sequestered low and behold because of a jilted lover who tried to make passes on me and i disconnected from. I felt used.

Finally, i suppose one of the things ive had a hard time coming to grips with is stigma. Being a masculine male, i dont try to espouse my sexuality on others - but when it comes to sexuality - i suppose my mannerisms are more feminate but yet my asthetic is more masculine. I try to come off masculine due to being raised in a homophobic environment. The thing with that is - is that when you open up to guys who you try to develop friendships with, they sometimes take it the wrong way. Unfortunately, some of my best times in life were with "The Guys" and suffering from bladder ailments and PTSD - maybe i try to seek more masculinity to cover up the diaper i have to wear at night and sometimes during the day.

I guess that's all folks. If you relate, please feel free to share.

Not sure why you are venting? - live life - if having to wear protection then deal with it - don’t fret out about it - I don’t know your situation- but I only need to wear a diaper at night and a hell of a lot better then washing sheets - take care
A lot of reflecting can come about at night when we are alone with our thoughts. Like Chad mentions, there’s no need to get lost though. The ingrained humiliation you experienced does not make you less masculine for having an issue. Nor does being empathetic or effeminate make you different or strange. You are you. So long as you are not harmful or impinging on another, who can judge you except you yourself?

I see this post as a cathartic scrawl. If that’s what you need to get rid of negativity in a healthy manner, go for it. We are here for you, glad you’re back, and don’t think less of you.
Hi Honeecomb,

Your post in conjunction with Chads post reminds me of one of the books I read when I was doing weekly psychology sessions for like 2years. Lol I had a standing reservation with my councillor.

The books title is

Your Mind Will Make You Crazy Only if You Allow it To.

Great book honestly but basically the coles notes is we as humans need to learn to not get lost in our thoughts and spiral out of control as if you don’t stop it nothing will stop it and you can easily spiral out of control.

Obviously Honeecomb you have lots of trauma in your past and probably should seek some professional help with it. But also a quick word of advice is don’t let your past define who you are. You can change if you choose to and really so what if you wear a brief instead of boxers - who really ever knows and who cares and if someone cares they are less than you.

I don’t recall if your issues are predominately at night I believe so and if that’s the case it shouldn’t really matter to anyone other than you and a possible significant other in the future, and the right person it will not be a big deal at all it will be a non event and if that’s not the case forget them and try again lol.

And like Chad said a wet brief is a lot easier to deal with in the morning than wet sheets. ;)


Hi Honeecomb. Good to hear from you. I know for me the night can be pure hell and there are many times they seemed never-ending. I used to think I was the loneliest, happily married person alive. You see: my hubby and best friend in the world was an over the road truck driver. I can honestly say I hated every minute of it. My girlfriend once told me I would learn to love it but not so.
Concerning the trauma experienced in the past: for me I try my best to think of one thing, no matter how small, about it that turned out being good. If that makes any sense at all. For me there is always atleast one good thing I can take from a really bad experience, even from being raped and sodomized repeatedly from my ex-husband or my second husband walking out on me when my youngest was seven months old. I know everyone is different but looking at really bad experiences and situations in this manner has most times been the only thing that has kept me from totally breaking down and being admitted to the Psych center. Maybe it could work for you too. Try to find that one good thing- no matter how small. Anyway, know you are in my thoughts and I hope things get better for you soon.
Boopsie61 said:
Hi Honeecomb. Good to hear from you. I know for me the night can be pure hell and there are many times they seemed never-ending. I used to think I was the loneliest, happily married person alive. You see: my hubby and best friend in the world was an over the road truck driver. I can honestly say I hated every minute of it. My girlfriend once told me I would learn to love it but not so.
Concerning the trauma experienced in the past: for me I try my best to think of one thing, no matter how small, about it that turned out being good. If that makes any sense at all. For me there is always atleast one good thing I can take from a really bad experience, even from being raped and sodomized repeatedly from my ex-husband or my second husband walking out on me when my youngest was seven months old. I know everyone is different but looking at really bad experiences and situations in this manner has most times been the only thing that has kept me from totally breaking down and being admitted to the Psych center. Maybe it could work for you too. Try to find that one good thing- no matter how small. Anyway, know you are in my thoughts and I hope things get better for you soon.

God bless you Boopsie61. I can't imagine what you have gone through in your life - and words cannot express the pain and suffering and mental hurt one goes through when it comes to emotional, mental, or physical trauma.

The sun is setting here on the east coast and I'm thinking of your story - and I don't believe we've ever conversed but I saw you commented in one of my threads about my dad saying "Don't to Autistic on me" and I re-read that and you talked about your son who is on the spectrum.

I've learned here on my time here on earth that regardless of who we are; whether it is able or non able bodied, emotionally or intellectually challenged or just bruised and scarred at the hands of others -

Is that God will always be there to walk with you. I don't know you Boopsie; but I encourage you to listen to "Walk with You" by Della Reese or encourage yourself to find time in the sunshine and let the Lord walk with you, whenever you feel alone.

Of course, you have us here at the NAFC.

Hello again Honeeecombs. I'm on the East Coast too!! My family and I are are currently in Sunny Orlando for the week. Normally we call upstate NY home. Thank you for your kind words. I am in a happy place in life now due to good ol' retirement. Also because I have my higher power and friend I know and love. I call him Jesus. If not for Him I don't know what I would do. Talk to him everyday and all day, I do. Works for me.
I want to mention that while going through the TSA check point in LGA l did get pulled to the side, which was my greatest fear. Sure enough, without any warning, the young lady came at me and was going to lift my shirt!! No warning whatsoever. I totally freaked and tried to whisper to her not to do that in front of everyone as I wear adult protective underwear. My husband was at my side before I knew it. I told the young lady I wanted a supervisor. She said, We don't need a supervisor, how can I help you?" I told her I didn't need any help, I only needed to go with the rest of my family. At this point she then screamed,"SUPERVISOR!!!" The supervisor came over and explained to me why I got pulled aside and told me where she would need to pat me down. God forgive me but all I could think was: "Now that's why she's the supervisor and your not." Oh well onward. Now if I can just get home without any problem. I'm not exactly what you call well traveled. As a matter of fact I think of my self as living under a rock. I can't wait to crawl back under my rock and stay there for some time!! Good night to all.
You don’t know these people so why care - I’ve had work done in my appt and they discovered my stash of diapers — they never said a word and why would they - you need to accept the fact that it’s part of our issues - from accident or just happens- who cares - it’s your life not theirs - as I said in other post - it’s better to have a wet diaper then wet sheets - i will stick by this

Hello all. What freaked me out was that the young lady from the TSA went to "grab" at me without explaining what she was about to do. You see, I have about a two foot circumference around me that people I don't know and trust are not allowed to cross. I have serious issues with my personal space being infringed upon. I think had she told me first I would have been OK. But it was a complete disaster. It's not a matter of what she or anyone thought. At this age I couldn't care less what people think of me or my quirks. I treat everyone I encounter with kindness and compassion and use my manners my Momma taught me always. Just being touched by a stranger without prior knowledge or my permission seriously freaks me out. Just wanted to clarify. Hoping a good night to all and thanks for listening.
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