My urinary incontinence is an after effect of a surgical mishap when I was 14 years old. I bled excessively after the surgery and developed a urinary tract infection that spread to other parts of my body and nearly killed me. However, after spending 3 months in hospital, I was able to go home. At first, I was incontinent and needed to wear a diaper 24/7. However, I was a fanatic about doing the Kegel exercises that my urologist recommended and got to the point that, although I was still incontinent at night, I could generally go without a daytime diaper. Things continued like that for about 25 years. Then, when I was in my forties, my daytime issues worsened; and neither Kegel exercises nor the various drugs my urologist prescribed did any good. So I had to go back to wearing a daytime diaper in order to carry on with my professional activities. I’m 77 now and have worn a diaper 24/7 for about 30 years.