Hi. Just saw this and realize my response will follow your surgery on Jan20. First, I hope the surgery went well and the follow up pathology report shows that got all the cancer! You are probably still wearing a catheter now but it will be removed in a few days. You will probably experience some amount of incontinence (IC) with the catheter removal. Make sure you have maxi pads and tight underwear when the remove the catheter! IC will probably be a reality for you for the next 6-12 months. The most important thing is to begin or continue kegel exercises! Get help from a PT therapist! With kegels you will begin to notice a reduction in IC after 1.5 - 2 months. You can go from Maxi to light pads and/or use either external catheters or penile clamps to manage IC while active. I have used both and they work. After 6 months to year, ideally you will be dry or close to it. The important thing to remember is that your surgery addressed the cancer which, as you know, is a life or death issue. Keep everything is perspective as you deal with whatever level of IC you may have! Cheers!