Couple of ideas? 1) Make sure to get in the habit of flexing your (pelvic floor) muscles before you stand up or lean down. Once that becomes second nature, it helps a lot. 2) After starting with 3 series of 3 X 10 kegels daily, today (9 weeks post-op) I'm doing 4 series of 3 X 15 kegels daily. Build up your numbers. The muscles are supposed to fatigue - not too much, but a tiny bit every time. 3) Manage your psychology, friend. It's my problem too and I think many of our colleagues as well. The improvements are week by week, not day by day, yet we live our lives day by day so it can really hard. But it does get (slowly) better. Definitely. It's 2 steps forward, 1 step back. I count the milliliters leakage (weighing the nappies). If you talk to me on a day where the number is higher than the previous day, I'll be depressed. On the days where the number is lower, I'm elated. Thankfully over time, there is more of the latter than the former. Life is a long river