MayMay: Have yet to see "Made for Living", here, but may have missed it. Is supply problems common everywhere or only in small towns in Alaska? Has it crossed the Pond to England? If a product reaches other cxountries, that's a good sign. It's "Incontinence" in the grocery stores, here, by-the-by. Our stores aren't always stocked, or only have certain sizes and sometimes only certain brands. To make it look "normal", they just fill the empty places what they do have. Sometimes, they can't do that, but that's rare. My size and brand can go a couple of months not on the shelves, and sometimes my size in any brand.
Smaller sizes most likely to be missing. Wal-Mart is in another town and we mostly don't go to that town - the rest of that town is a duplicate of "our" town, which has a Fred Meyers (Kroger). To be fair, our Wal-Mart is smaller than a big city in the lower-48.
Next problem is Fred's seems to be intent on getting us to go only with their brand - for anything. If an item has their brand, that may be the only choice. Or is the hygiene aisle where the rest of you live okay for full shelves & brands?
Buying by mail, here, can either cost more or even some companies refuse to deal with Alaska. We know it's more costly to ship to her, but if a company doesn't want to admit they won't want to deal with us, sometimes they jack up the price obscenely.
Hey Jayindiapers! Thank you very much for the photos!