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I started experiencing some PMD back in april of 2021. At first it was no big deal, I am 47 and had already began experiencing what seemed like prostate issues. I had pretty much given up on sitting down to pee as it took a while, especially before bed. Up once a night or so to pee etc. No big deal. I have had a cast iron bladder my whole life. Going to the bathroom was rarely on my mind. Then around the second week June the PMD had gotten worse and I had my first urge incident. I was at a gas station and felt like I had to pee so bad that if anyone as in the restroom I was going to have a problem. I was having to physically hold it back. I had mentioned the dribbling to my wife, when I got home I told my wife about it. She gave me a micro fiber soaker from the old cloth diaper bin in the basement. I used that the next day, and hit every bathroom at every account I had that day. She bought me some Target brand pullups for men, they gave me a wedgie but I felt better. The urge incidents ramped up pretty quickly and I was going more at night. My bladder became very sensitive, to the point I could feel it bouncing every time I hit a bump in the road. I kept upgrading protection, trial and error and my wife kept bringing the rejects to the homeless shelter. I starting having major accidents out of the blue. I would go through two night weight briefs at work. About this time I woke up flooding the brief I had worn to bed to keep up with the dribbles from getting up several times a night. We were camping with our two youngest and my wife mentioned that I should top off at the bathroom we were walking by, I said I didn't have to go but she said I should try anyway. I went in and about the time I got to the stall things were moving fast, this was nothing new. I emptied what seemed like a full bladder after not having to go at all. My stream has gone from adequate, to lightning from the sky, no more problems sitting down. I can pee walking, laying down, back or stomach or side, in the car, in my chair, I haven't tried standing on my head yet but I suspect I could. I lost 20 lbs, almost 10 percent of my body weight, and cut back on wine and cocktails. I had already seen the GP and he ordered the standard check up blood and urine tests. He mentioned diabetes after I told him about the incontinence and after looking into it I realized I might have a neurogenic bladder since I had no sensation of fullness. Blood tests showed negative, only some elevated lymphocytes. My ADH hormone did not register at all. I did a 24 hour volume test and hit nearly 3 gallons, including 2500 ml overnight. He referred me to an endocrinologist for possible Diabetes Insipidus and a urologist. This was in September. My urology appointment is in February and the Endocrinologist is in April. I was prescribed desmopressin but have not taken it yet, I will try it at night but I sweat too much at work to take it during the day most of the year. The gp said to just take it, there were no side effects. The pharmacist's eyes bugged out when she looked at the warnings on the sheet and I told her the Doctor had just said to take it, no problem. She said I had to be very careful. My wife was not happy I had filled the prescription, I thought she would be happy, but she wanted to try natural things first. Now we are more willing to give it a go. Nights are crazy but it is amazing what you can get used to. I have been lurking on forums trying to see if anybody has the same symptoms but so far no real luck. So I am coming into the daylight here to ask you all for some insight. Now that I know I don't have a feeling of bladder fullness, only a short period of feeling like I am going to go, I go a lot at work to stave off accidents, but sometimes you are face to face with a customer and can't just bail.
What a trip RothPirate16! You're a smart man. Always listen to your wife. She knows you better than even you know yourself I'll betcha'. You're wise to cut back on the alcohol and if you can, forgo it altogether. Any stimulant is bound to make things worse. I hope there are some men on this forum who can understand what you've been going through and offer you some real help. At any rate you'll certainly get encouragement from everybody here when you share about your issues. I hope 2022 is a better year for you.
Welcome to the forum. Agree with the previous poster that your wife probably knows your best however that could always be up for debate. Lol. Not sure if your gp argument of diabetes holds any weight or not. However I have been diagnosed with relapse remitting multiple sclerosis so that explains my issues and hopefully that isn’t your case
There is a difference between diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) and diabetes insipidus, it is a hormone deficiency which creates an overproduction of urine. What were the first symptoms of your MS if you don’t mind me asking? It does come up when searching on some of my symptoms.
Lol hard to say as I was a workaholic and basically by the time I was diagnosed with MS I had been bedridden due to supposed viral vertigo which turned out to be lesions on my brain resulting in instant puking if I turned on my right side in bed. This was after 5 years of numb feet which I told no one so basically my fault. I had Ed issues since by late teens however I didn’t meet my wife until I was 28/29 and I was a Virgin still so nothing that was really obvious to me as a major concern other than my urinary issues however by the tim3 I was diagnosed my mri was literally a Christmas tree with lesions through all 3 major components of my brain. The neurologists were not sure if I would be able to talk when I was in the hospital.

Hope that helps you in some weird way. Lol 😂

Cheers. Jason.
Thank you for your response, that is rough! Outside of urinary symptoms, including a numb bladder, I have lower blood pressure, it used to be quite high. I definitely have some short term memory issues, could be distraction, since these issues are always at top of mind. I get colder easier, and I have less energy. I have had an essential tremor for many years which does not seem to have gotten worse. If I don’t stay hydrated I will start to cramp and get headaches, my eyes will get dry and tight. I restricted fluids somewhat last night, woke up dry at 1am (1st night in a long time) and hit the bathroom. I was extremely thirsty, dry eyes and the beginning of a headache. I drank 24 ounces of water and went to bed and I am drinking now. Diet does not to seem to have any effect. Caffeine bumps things up but only exacerbates the existing issues. Moderate alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to make a difference since my ADH is already shot. I have noticed a muscle spasm here and there, kind of like a sleep jerk. Sometimes I think these things may be related to electrolytes since I am drinking and going so much. When I am laying I bed in the morning, there is no feeling of having to go at all, as soon as I get up things start moving. One morning I peed into a container and it was 24 ounces. That is a lot for not having to go seconds before. I wonder if my urgency stems from overfilling since if I have an episode there is always a lot. If I go every 30 to 45 minutes in the morning I will be ok, things tend to slow down in the afternoon and evening then ramp up at night and through the morning. I have had plenty of accidents in the afternoon though if I am focused on something or don’t have access to a bathroom. I don’t leave the house without protection. Even during property work I’m wearing since someone may be around if I have to go.
Honestly Rothpirate16 MS diagnosis is just a garbage pail diagnosis since so little is understood truly about MS and thus it is just a matter of ticking off enough boxes so that they can diagnosis one with MS lol. At least that is my personal opinion on the matter. The one good thing from my perspective and the fact that I tolerate prescription medications extremely well MS is like opening the door for doctors to prescribe more easily to an individual as basically the doctors hands are washed clean as is Canada MS patients are literally considered palliative care and just need to treat symptoms as otherwise they have no clue and eventually it just becomes progressive decline.

I have tried stem cells multiple times, am on a ms experimental drug Tecfidera which seems to be working as I haven’t had a known relapse since Dec 2016. I am on adhd meds honestly just to get through the days and stay awake. Still battling depression and anxiety and as such am on cymbalta daily. However to tie into your Hormone conversation I had my hormones tested back in 2017/2018 and then it was found that my testosterone production was literally off the chart on the low end basically undetectable. Since then I have started bio identical hormones and seems to help. Also on low dose naltrexone for energy stimulation and Dhea to aid in hormone production Along with daily vitamins, fish oil, organ meat capsules, zinc and more. Basically I take anywhere from 48-58 pills a day. Thankfully my body likes extracting supplements from pills.

Finally my recent addition to medication is the biological aimovig to deal with my Chronic migraines as my doctors started to freak out when I stated I was taking Advil and Tylenol like candy basically every 6-8 hours just to deal with my head pain.

Just curious have you done anything with your low hormone levels?

Also have you tried any of the urinary medications as I am on merbetriq 50mg daily. Not sure if it really is helping anything however honestly I am on so much already.
All my other hormone levels check out, it’s just my ADH that’s low. I am sure the endocrinologist will want some imaging of the pituitary in case there is a tumor pressing against it. That being said I have hit my head a lot over the years and took a spill a week before this really ramped up. It seemed like a minor incident at the time and may have had no impact since I just had a sore head and neck. Got in to the chiropractor a few weeks later and got sorted out in one visit.
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