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I am a 77 year old male who had radiation and seeding for prostate cancer in 2009. Since then I have worn protection for a slight but constant dribble. About 2 years ago the dribble started getting worse and my need to void increased. Now I need to get up at least 5 times a night to void and I am exhausted. I wear Tena pull-ups plus an additional booster pad at night, and they are totally soaked by morning because of my constant leaking. I have been working with 2 urologists who have done testing, cystoscopes, tried several medications; I have a Metronics device implanted and tried numerous programs, but still no relief. Because of strictures in my urethra from the radiation and seeding I am unable to self-catheter, in fact the doctor cannot get the catheter up either. There is a concern that surgery for an AUS would be risky due to all the scarring I have in that area. Next week I have an appointment with a third urologist for another opinion. I am considering a suprapubic catheter but I have read that some of you just void in a diaper during the night to get a good night's sleep. My question: Since my nighttime protection is saturated due to leaking, is there a diaper that would hold this plus my 5 voids?
Sorry to hear about your frustrations.

Fortunately, there are many options for higher capacity products. It appears you are using a pull-on style of product. Unfortunately, they aren’t built well enough to hold a high capacity of voids.

I would suggest trying some samples from some of the companies I’ll list below. To get the capacity you need, you are likely going to have to use a tab style brief or diaper.

Some of my favorites are:

NorthShore Megamax
InControl Inspire +
Sunkiss Masterpiece (pink color only from Amazon)
LittleForBig AB Dry (all white)

There are also multiple choices if you don’t mind colors and prints.

NorthShore has a great sample selection and will often times send free samples of many of their style and capacity options. and are both great vendors and will help you find the best for your need. Do not be embarrassed to ask them. I like BeterDry at nights as it is not as wide in the crotch so more comfortable for a side sleeper. It has great absorbancy and is not overly loud or obtrusive.

Best of luck...
First of all, welcome. I do believe you will find a product, or a combination of a brief and a booster that will meet your needs. I have had one experience with a super-absorbant brief in which I was bedridden with a serious head cold for 26 hours (as I recall). When I finally got up, it was soaked through, and had probably started leaking, I don't remember. I also don't recall if I had used a booster, or which one it was. All I know is that it was heavy! I was well enough to get out of bed and change, after which I think I may have gone back to bed. Anyway, by trying out various products, you will find what works best for you- and it may be one particular brand, or size, with or without the added absorbancy of a booster, whether it be cloth or disposible. Best of luck.
I should add that if you void consciously, it will be more of a flow and may cause leaks. I haven't done it purposely, so when I have problems at night- most of the time my problem are daytime issues- it's probably a slow leak because I never wake up needing to pass urine.

I am 62 year old male. I also had radical prostatectomy in 2009 followed by radiation and later surgery to treat a stricture. All along the way I was told to do my kegels and it would get better. Statistics were that small percentage of men suffered from incontinence. I received very little help from anyone in my urologists office. I changed urologists and still withholding judgement. I also have bladder cystitis from the radiation and have not received any real solutions for that. On my own I pushed my GP to go to PT. I had an excellent person that helped me improve my core and pelvic strength. But I still suffer from the incontinence. I was exhausted from the lack of sleep and constant dealings with pads, depends and clamp. I finally discovered external catheters in my own. No dr ever suggested them as a solution. It took a good 3-4 months to find the right size, style and method for applying them before I got it right. But I am now able to sleep 8 hours every night through and can go for a 3 hour drive or dinner with no worries. They are also covered under my insurance. Please feel free to ask any questions if your are interested in this option.
just wanted to let you know I had my SPC done just over a month ago actually sorry two months ago and I have to tell you it’s the best thing that I’ve ever done. It is absolutely fantastic. Completely changed my life because for the first time in seven years, I actually got a full nights sleep not only that so far touchwood I’ve had zero other problems with it just my singular opinion and experience wish you very best. I should actually add that there are a lot of changes that have come with the suprapubic catheter. for example, you have to get used to not going to the toilet anymore or at least nowhere near as often the feeling of a warm leg starting from the top of the catheter and into the collection bag. They are just a lot of of the things that go along with this type of catheter getting used to switching from the leg bag to the bed back. Just minor little things. Do you have to be prepared for. Again from my personal experience when I take the pros and the cons, the pros completely outweigh the cons. Also, something to remember is that it is very reversible so if for some reason you do not get on with it, then it can be reversed.
Anyway, I have to rush off to a meeting, but if I can be of any further service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me , take care and I wish you the very best of luck
recommend you to try Abena M4 or L4 and a Tranquility Contour Booster inside. Also use a washable soaker pad on top of the sheets for extra protection on the bed. You're going to want to sleep on your stomach most likely to prevent leaks.
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