thudson1956, Thanks for reminding me to post an update on my progress. I received my surgical follow up in May. The pathology report came back (Gleason score of (4+3=7 with tertiary pattern 5) and my PSA was 1.7. Surgeon was concerned that PSA was not lower and the pattern 5(more aggressive cancer). I was referred to oncology radiologist and back to my primary urologist. Radiologist ordered a MRI and PET scan, both came back negative for spotting cancer. Radiologist scheduled me for 38 radiation treatments in the pelvic region, Urologist started me on hormone(Firmagon) shots. Started radiology treatments in August with completion on Sept. 25. Today I had a follow up with Urologist received 4th and last hormone shot, he also ordered a PSA test, waiting on results. Urologist is consulting with Radiologist to see if he recommends more hormone shots.
Incontinence update: During my surgical follow up in May, I discussed with him the lack of improvement for my incontinence. He said it was too soon after surgery to see much improvement. He recommended a Bart-Cunningham clamp which I wore for about 30 days, it really helped me to be able to get out of the house without worrying about filling my pull-ups and pads. At first, I thought it would be uncomfortable, but really did not notice I was wearing it. I would wear it about 4 hours a day. During this time I was religiously doing my Kegel exercises. About the end of June my incontinence had greatly improved, when sitting down or laying down, I could feel the urge to urinate and easily had time to make it to the bathroom. I still had dribbling when standing for a while, I never felt the urge to go but felt the dribble as it came. I was down to 1 pad per day and it was only about 10% full, I really felt so much better about the improvement in my incontinence. Radiation therapy caused some diarrhea and a worsening of my dribbling. But to be honest, I stopped doing my Kegel exercises during radiation, which according to my urologist was probably the primary cause for the increase in dribbling. So back to doing my Kegels. Incontinence was by far the worst thing I dealt with after the Prostatectomy, but in hindsight, if I had listened to the doctors and had patience, I think my incontinence would have improved quicker.
Uplifting observation and comment. With our country so divided; after 38 radiation treatments, primary care physician, and urologist appointments. I spent a lot of time in health care facilities, in all facilities, I observed how people were treated, regardless of your race, status in life, ego, or attitude everyone was treated with respect, patience, and encouragement, no one received special treatment. Not only by the medical professionals or office staff but by the other patients. Everyone was so supportive of each other. I see the exact thing in this forum, everyone supports and encourages each other, even though we will never meet in person and have differing views.