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Hi, Had RP about 6 weeks ago. Having a lot of leakage issues - soaking through 5-7 heavy pads/day but good control at night. As soon as I stand or sit, there is pretty much zero control. Been doing Kegels 2X/day since the beginning. Was doing them every 3 hrs but clinic said that's too much and can fatigue the muscles. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds very similar to what I went through. Keep doing Kegels, and exercise. I became totally dry after about 4 months. Two years out and I don't even worry about drips.
Good luck.
You are welcome here and lots of support
I'm not a man but I have read walking is very helpful for the situation
Like the others said. It sounds a lot like my experience. Hang in there and do your Kegels 3 times a day and walk as much as possible.
@Greg8, My Physical Therapist told me when you are contracting the sphincter it should be like trying to pick up a blueberry, not trying to squish it. I had RP 5 months ago tomorrow. Had catheter in for 60 days after RP and leaked around the catheter the entire time. I didn't start doing the Kegels until January and I am not very good about doing them as instructed. More when I think about it than scheduled. I am still leaking but keeping it to 1 and sometimes 2 pads a day, one of the pull ups at night. I keep wondering if it will ever stop but it just continues to get better. Last month I went to the dump and was visibly wet when I got back home. Every time I picked up a can to dump. Yesterday I went to the dump and though there was a bit of leakage a couple of times picking up the bins, I did not have to stop anywhere and pee on the way home like last time. I tend to measure progress that way, what happened last time compared to this time. I really didn't want to go I was so nervous about it. Consequently, after 5 weeks the bins were heavier. Just keep at it, don't get discouraged. It will get better how ever long it takes. Just thank the lord you didn't have to put up with all of this before Depends for big people came about. I can't imagine how they did this back when I was born.
Welcome to the clan! We are all similar but not exactly alike. Drink several glasses/bottles of water to avoid kidney stones and to help keep your blood moving. YES, that produces more urine, but it's not as strong, doesn't burn the skin as bad, and doesn't smell as bad.

Light leakers will find comfort in padded pullups and padded liners for the pull-ups. Heavy leakers (like me) may do better with EXTERNAL CATHETERS and leg bags. Incontinence is bossy but can be managed.

Our first concern is to keep our skin in good shape by keeping clean and dry and using plenty of vaseline.

WHAT MUST I DO TO WIN THIS BATTLE? Make a strong connection with a competent urologist. Read much or have someone read to you. If you have a laptop or smartphone, scan it for information and encouragement. (YouTube has a lot of stuff.) Keep in close touch with this website. Ask God to help you.

Go to and find Dr. Gerald Brock, who lectures on Erectile Dysfunction (ED is a twin brother to Incontinence)
Greg scan the topics from this forum. Most is quite valuable. I’m 75 & more than 5 years out from RP. Best of all I’m still at <0.1 PSA, the most important thing. Age, in my opinion, has a great influence on recovery & symptoms. You didn’t state your age, but everything sounds right for your status of only 6-weeks. Keep with the program.
Greg8 I was in that position for 3 months, exactly as you describe. It is challenging and you will be emotional or anxious on occasions. I am now 1 year and much improved but not perfect with regards to incontinemce. You might want to consider an external catheter with leg bag as a break from the pads/ pull ups. You will find this forum helpful if you want to share your experience or feelings. I wish you well with your recovery
Couple of ideas? 1) Make sure to get in the habit of flexing your (pelvic floor) muscles before you stand up or lean down. Once that becomes second nature, it helps a lot. 2) After starting with 3 series of 3 X 10 kegels daily, today (9 weeks post-op) I'm doing 4 series of 3 X 15 kegels daily. Build up your numbers. The muscles are supposed to fatigue - not too much, but a tiny bit every time. 3) Manage your psychology, friend. It's my problem too and I think many of our colleagues as well. The improvements are week by week, not day by day, yet we live our lives day by day so it can really hard. But it does get (slowly) better. Definitely. It's 2 steps forward, 1 step back. I count the milliliters leakage (weighing the nappies). If you talk to me on a day where the number is higher than the previous day, I'll be depressed. On the days where the number is lower, I'm elated. Thankfully over time, there is more of the latter than the former. Life is a long river
Hey Greg!

Welcome to the NAFC man; you will find great people and a good community. Based on what I've seen on here - RP surgeries have a very high success rate - so I hope you fit within that margin.

My diagnosis is severe oab bladder with spasms and urge incontinence.

Greetings from the other side of the pond. I agree with the other replies. I was in your situation until January (3.5 months post surgery). Since then I have slowly but surely improved and am now on 1 pad a day. Lying down and sitting I am completely dry for hours on end and I can make it to the bathroom without leaking. I can also now walk for some distance without leaking. I was very depressed before improvements and really thought I was probably going to be like it forever, even though the specialists and forum posts indicated all would be good. I now feel very positive that I will improve but think to myself I could put up with my limitations if it does not improve. In the bad days I used an empty coffee jar and then a plastic urine bottle when getting out of a chair or bed. I was doing kegals every hour until January when I told my SCN and she sturnly told me off. I reduced it to three times a day, as I had been previously told was necessary and then a couple of weeks later came the improvements. I have no idea whether that was just coincidence or whether it was because I was straining the muscles. I cut out just about all alcohol and caffeine a week before my op and have kept that up. I have been walking a lot over the past six months, mainly in the countryside. I am sure that helps physically and mentally. Gives me time to reflect on how priviliged I am to have had the op and that hopefully I will grow to be a miserable old g_t.
WWW.MALEPELVICFITNESS.COM is the website of Andrew L. Siegel, M.D. He is a practicing physician and urological surgeon. You may want to get his well-written book: Male Pelvic Fitness - Optimizing Sexual & Urinary Health. I read it again occasionally and gave a copy to my sons and son-in-law.
Hopefully you’ll increase your walking distance and pace slowly but surely in the countryside. I’m in the desert 5yrs post RP at 75. Found walking 5-6 miles 2-3 times per week more helpful for pelvic floor than Kegels (which I also still do, but much fewer). Keep pushing your progress.What is SCN?
Just found this interesting article:

COVID Can Mimic Prostate Cancer Symptoms

David King Keller, PhD
DISCLOSURES March 20, 2023
Thanks everyone for all the great suggestions. Just being able to get some tips from those who have been through this helps a lot! For the record, I'm 76 and pretty active. I like walking and have been getting back into some lifting now that the weight restrictions are off.
Welcome Greg to the family here. This is the best place to be as we all understand, and listen. Everyone here has ideas that might help you for your day to day issues.
Hi Stryder. SCN = specialist cancer nurse. I was designated a SCN when my initial blood test showed elevated PSA. I think all those in the UK are designated one under our National Health Service. She has been a Godsend. She organised my MRI, scans and tests and always available to provide advice, support and to wipe away the tears.
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