Neurogenic Bladder and self-cathing on the go


Staff member
Hi there,

14 years ago I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to undergo a radical hysterectomy, chemo and radiation. I am happy to say it worked HOWEVER, I was left with a neuro bladder and a bowel obstruction. Since then I have been self-catheterizing and dealing with bowel issues. I am a busy, working mom and for years looked for a bag I could carry and access all my supplies in the bathroom.

I finally decided to make my own and the result is the Cath & Go.

It is meant to carry your stuff and also has a hook to hang on handicap grab bars (or anywhere, I used in a porta potty last night!). This is great to be able to keep your hands clean when self-cathing.

I just thought I would share for those that struggle like I did. I was always dropping my stuff on dirty bathroom floors! Right now, we just have a clutch for women, but I hope to develop more products for men and kids.

I am always looking for feedback and ideas, so feel free to share!
That's pretty cool! The Chevron is actually pretty masculine and could work for either gender. Instead of using it as a clutch guys could just throw it in a bag or backpack. (I always carry a backpack anyway. I did even before I became incontinent)

I'm not ready to cath outside the house yet but I will definitely keep your site in mind when I am!
Thank you! Yes, I think if I had just a few other fabric designs - including solids - I could appeal to more people. That's really helpful feedback. Don't worry you will be running around cathing everywhere before you know it. :-)
Thank you and it's my pleasure! Btw I cathed sitting down last night. Success! :)
Had trouble this morning but I'm doing timed cathing this weekend so practice makes perfect!
I am very glad to see this post. Cathing on the road has been a major, high risk trial, with so many variations on the facility design. "Family" restrooms are the best, but they are rare except in large airports. A reliable table or a way to hang the bag will be a godsend.
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