Need guidance. When to take meds???


Staff member
I work nights so my day is from 4:00pm-7:45am. So 8am-4pm is sleeping time

I have pills now that I have to take four times a day and one that is set for the morning but it's My antacid pill so I think it's best to take that in the regular morning time ie 7:45am for me..

I have never had to take this many pills at so different times so any help would be greatly appreciated..
Usually prescribed medications that are taken on a certain timeline, are to be taken during waking hours. Any questions should be discussed with your doctor or pharmacist. Hope this helps out.
Those suggestions up above are all very good ones so please talk with your doctor and/or pharmacist and tell them about your work schedule. They'll be able to work something out for you.
Also get a pill box that has dividers. You can get them at a pharmacy or a big box or even a supermarket. Usually there's a choice as some are divided into days of the week (I have one of those) and others are divided into hours of a day. Since you are taking the pills at different times daily, that type of box may be the best bet for you. If you keep the pills separated according to what time you need to take them, then it shouldn't be confusing and pretty easy to keep track of what pills you need to take.
I get acid reflux when I lie down, so I take an antacid before bed. However, that is me, not you. And I don't take any other medications. I think you need to check with your doctor.

One other point: Taking my one pill has become such a habit, that I often don't remember if I took it or not. So, as billliveshere says above, it's a good idea to organize all your pills in separate containers according to when you need to take them.
Hi @Jamie3235, I do the acid reflux thing myself! I take Protonix (Pantoprazole) and it works just fine. Before I was diagnosed with reflux I took Zantac which of course is not recommended now under any circumstances. Then I had an endoscopy and I then started on Protonix.
@billliveshere I was also taking Zantac. I switched to Famotidine, which is the generic for Pepcid. It seems to work.
Hi @Jamie325, A while ago a pharmacist recommended I take Famotidine as a replacement for Zantac. I haven't bought any yet as I have not had any occasional heartburn. I'm glad yo thinjk it is effective. I'll go get some to have on hand just in case.
Thank you!
I take my Nexium extended-release first thing in the morning, because that’s when I take my first dose of 1000mg of Aleve. Prevents heartburn and stomach aches. Before Nexium, I had a bleeding stomach ulcer.

I agree that pill dividers are priceless. I’ve been using one since I was 16.
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