I have tried pumpkin seed oil to relieve my OAB - but gave up on it as I didn't see any change.
A 2014 Japanese study based on 45 subjects found that Pumpkin Seed Oil "has the potential to help with the prevention or treatment of urinary disorders including OAB". See clickable text This study is referenced frequently on websites re: natural alternatives to treat OAB.
I'm not sure whether my dose was right or I didn't take it for long enough, or.....but it didn't help (at least for me). I still have a bottle of these supplements, and maybe I will try them again.
@Walter Oh, as a follow up to my previous post there are exercises you can do to relax your bladder (this is a natural treatment). A PT with a pelvic floor specialty will be able to help you with this.
There was a recent discussion on this forum on this topic. See clickable text