My problem


Staff member
I am 16 years old and I have been bedwetting ever since I was small, I am in College now and in the boarding house, my roomates are really complaining and I always get scared to sleep in the night. It reduced last year till this year October, please what can I do about it I'm frustrated I have tried several things from local to using drugs to Alarms but it hasn't worked fr me. Plss I don't want to marry like this.
Have you gone to a Doctor that specializes in incontinence? Try and find out why-if you know why-then try different ways to control it. It might be psychological. I have had to retain my brain on pain response, posture stuff-etc. There are pelvic floor exercises one can do to strengthen the pelvic floor. There are physical therapists that specialized in this area. I have one in my area and where my incontinence has improved greatly. My heart goes out to you. Don't give up-just try and find some solutions and don't give up hope. Things are coming out all the time to improve this. Obviously you keep in touch with the new stuff, you are a member of this forum. Try not to use drugs and alarms does what-wake you up during the night so you can go? Just trying to understand a little bit of what you are going though. I am a brain tumor survivor and and incontinence for many years before the surgery and afterwards as well. I still have to use a pad once in awhile and keep up with my exercises -I don't do them for a awhile and I can 't hold my stuff. Blessings.
Thank you. What are the things I can do to wake me up during the night cause I guess I'm a deep sleeper
Surprised you’re in college and have not yet addressed this problem medically. I would suggest several things. If you have “stress” Incontinence (ie, you leak when sneezing, coughing, laughing, etc), pelvic floor exercises are a huge help but will take time. Best to find a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor exercises to work with you. Nighttime bed wetting will be the first area of incontinence that will improve. If you have “urge” incontinence (ie, your bladder can’t hold much before you have the urge to go), there are medications (particularly a very new one), that can greatly help with this issue in a matter of weeks. In some cases, the medication can begin to help in only a few days. You should see a urologist to help explore what’s best for you.
Do read my thanks thread and the spinal galant information. VERY interesting new physical therapy discovery of a spine issue that can be corrected. Steve1980 posted this thread which was in this forum a couple years ago.
or go to google and put Spinal Galant in.
there are youtube videos about this with eaay excercises to do VERY easy ones.
I like Howard433's comments. Go to google-look up urologists and see if any specializes in incontinence. Also look up physical therapists and see if any specializes in incontinence. I have notice the ones that specializes in this also do a lot of balance work for people. If you have no health insurance-then go to the people who do medicaid or if worst is worst call the suicide hot line and tell them you need help. It is dramatic but people are starting to listen to this. It is dramatic to do this but I wish I would have done something like this-maybe I would have woke my ex. up. Try and make you life the best possible that you can. Don't have regrets. It is a start. I know health care can be very expensive. You are still young-don't flush it down the toilet.
Many times if you have an aging population like we do here in SW FL., there is more demand and need for incontinence therapy.
Also contact the National Association for continence and see if they have any members in the area where you are located. Also if your financial situation is such you can't afford it-let them know. There may be help for you.
I don't know how to wake you up from a deep sleep. I waited too long when I was misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia to seek help. I fell so many times it isn't funny. NO one knows what one goes through except the person.In addition, most people don't want to hear it.
I had no one to talk with-no one wanted to hear it. I kept it to myself. The Doctor back in the 1980's wanted me to go to a Pain Clinic and my ex-husband said no. I was so sick, I needed support. I was married to a functioning alcoholic-when I look back I was so stupid to marry him. I gave up having children, intimacy-etc. My Father was a functioning alcoholic and was not there for me. He beat my poor Mother into the ground. I was sick all the time. One never knows what is going on someone else' life. I had no one there for me. People can be so selfish. Don't expect anyone to take care of you. You must take care of yourself. Your health is your wealth. Blessings-Barb
Hello Gollygal,

I am so sorry for what you are experiencing at such a young age.

I highly recommend that you begin by seeing a uro-gynecologist, usually an MD or a Physician's Assistant. Mine diagnosed the cause of my incontinence and and referred me to a physical therapist who specialized in treating urge incontinence. I was surprised to learn that Kegels made my incontinence worse! She prescribed other exercises. Very helpful

Of course, your uro-gynecologist might make a different referral.

Your college health clinic might have someone who can treat you, or refer you to a medical person with knowledge and experience. Use Medicaid if that is the insurance you have.

As far as your roommates, it might help to educate them about incontinence, perhaps through this website. If they are informed about the challenges you face, and how very, very much harder this is for you than for them, perhaps they will stop complaining. Is there a housemother type person who can help you? You should not have to endure complaining about something over which you likely have no control.

All the best
You have taken a huge step by posting on here!! I am the mother of a 16 year old with the same issue - only she is still in high school. I know it is emotionally draining for you! Know that you are in my prayers for finding answers! I feel differently than Howard433 who was surprised you haven't done something mediacally.
We have spent the last 11 years trying everything. and in those times my daughter has said - STOP I can't keep doing this. Because it's such an emotional roller coaster for her to get her hopes up and to hear over and over and over again - you will grow out of it. So truly I understand your frustration.
We did see a uro-gynecologis last month. She was very good and very compassionate! But in the end we didn't learn a lot knew. She was impressed with our dedication of finding answers and in dept journaling of the journey we have been on with this. She did prescribe Myrbetriq which has been very beneficial. We are also talking to a nurse now who also specializes in this and we are in a new journaling process so she can review where my daughter is. There is no quick answer, but if you are like my daughter -you really need someone to talk to - someone who understands. I understand that and I am disappointed that your roommates don't understand. But I also understand 16 year olds. If things don't directly effect them then it is a hard concept!
Thanks Maymay941 - I can't wait to google the Spinal Galant reflex!My post gives you no real answers. But please don't give up! Stay positive and don't be ashamed for something you can't control!
nother thing to inquire about is the Medtronic bladder control therapy. good luck!!
Thank You Jjpeco for giving us perspective on what she is going through. Blessings to all fo you adn may the medical profession help you to solve these issues.
Dear 16 year old Girls, i am so glad you and yours are reaching out for solutions. Its hard enough growing into a woman body at 16, there are many things changing in your body behavior, and in 16 year olds, its shape, its fluids for you and also for your roomates and other girls you know. Just know a great majority of women your age are surprised and confused with these fluid changes in themselves and they dont like what is happening! You must be very intelligent young women to be in college Gollygal and to have a mother Like Jjpeco who is wise and compassionate. With help from the medical professionals you will learn ways to cope to change and overcome this mystery maladie.(I chose this word because honestly, the way for me to gain self acceptance is to think of incontinence like my menstrual period. Part of being a lady.It was not a body change I liked or felt happy to live with but I did come to cope with it).
Please know many women struggle with self image and body function for too long so they may have little patience with your issue because they cant accept their own bodies.
Please come to this site to vent, share and be accepted just as you are. A womans body is continual a world of change, no one tells us that when we are little girls! Always love yourself, just as you are, no matter what.
A book that was very helpful to me as a young woman is called Our Bodies Ourselves. i highly recommend to any woman over puberty to get a supportive perspective over view of Woman's bodies-womens-lives.
Do you know about the special undergarments for adults who have incontinence? They won't solve the problem, but they will help to keep the bed dry. The disposable ones are available in most drugstores; there are washable/reusable ones that can be bought through catalogues. They will not solve your physical problem, but they will make life easier.
Gollygal and Jjpeco,
i remembered that when i travel i take plastic trash bags one for each night im in a hotel or frends home and put under the bottom sheet. i then buy cheap disposable or even washable cloth incontinence pads and lay on top of bottom sheet. i wear night time disosable underwear for incontinence. i dispose of the nights items in the bottom layer trash bag nightly.
i do this to visit a friend or in hotel. Thinking of your 16 year olds and travel here. Dont talk about it just do it.
As for college they have single room dorms to accommodate special needs in every school. saves having to explain to room mates. Get plastic matress cover and be prepared to clean up the laundry on a frequent basis. No need to talk with anyone about what you are doing.
Sorry. We have to get on with our lives!
I really agree with Maymay- you need to get on with your life. Some people will find success in dealing with incontinence, but some of us won't. Either way, taking this all in stride is the biggest favor any of us can do for ourselves. It DOES get easier.
thank you Jeff, i was wondering if you did get to travel this past year.
last we corresponded i had just moved to NC to liuve with my daughter after kiving alone for years . I learned that i can travel if i take these items and realize it is more effort than not having this issue but being prepared and quietly cleaning up after myself, showering even twice a day and discarding my used items without fanfare in an outside trash it is possible to travel and visit people.
Tell me, have you been adventurous?
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