My doctor said Kegals are not for me


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At a urology appointment on Friday my urologist informed me that Kegal exercises were doing me harm. She said that my bladder is not relaxing enough and holding onto fluid. Kegals are building muscle memory that my bladder does not need right now. Has anyone been told anything similar? Just wondering. Thank you for this courtesy.
Hello Ridge. Thank you for joining us. Your urologist is right - kegels are not for everyone. Some people have pelvic floors that are too tight, and doing kegels could make the condition worse. We would urge you to see a physical therapist who specializes in the pelvic floor - they will be able to give you a custom routine based on your individual situation and monitor your progress over time.
I have same issue. Cannot do kegels because they cause pain. Am doing roll-outs for 4 months but no substantial improvement. They want me to concentrate on correct breathing. I had prostatectomy six months ago and incontinent. They say my sphincter is not relaxing. Using about 8-10 pads per day. Do not know if will ever improve. I use a tube for sitting. Otherwise I have pelvic pain. Controlling pain the best I can with ibuprofen. At this point I think would have been better not to have the operation. It's devastating.
I'm going to a therapist to learn exercises to build up my pelvic wall.
Her name is Foley.
27 weeks since lapro prostectomy ,use one or two pads morning to night, then one or two heavy pads at night, I had switched to a lighter pad at night ,but, one night I was very tired and never woke up so I over flowed and had to change sheets and padding that I had just put on , kind of discouraging ,then sometimes I think I should have done Proton therapy, but I did what I did and so far I'm alive and no bone cancer etc , so I live with it and have hope that it will get better.
I had a problem with severe pain. I went to a physical Therapist that specializes in this problem. Biofeedback was used to help train my muscles to completely relax. It involves the levator muscles. Thankfully the problem resolved and I no longer have the pain I had. Very important to relax the muscles while doing Kiegels.
Hope this is helpful and encouraging.
Good luck!
Never heard that before though everyone is different. I go for my first psa in two weeks. Surgery was april 7th. Slight improvement with incontenece. Hopingfor The Best. Did Kegals Six Weeks Prior To Surgery Resting Between Reps Is A Must.
I don't know about pain, but I have never had improvement with them and cannot seem to isolate. I have had biofeedback and purchased things to help me locate the muscle, etc. with no improvement.

Good luck to you, but I am looking for alternatives to Kegel exercises
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