My accident/ injury. Then recovery.


Staff member
Hi guys and gals! I'm very sorry for being gone. Need to fill ya in a bit. But gotta be brief. Last week on Sunday, I was driving home from a private bodyguard job. It's an armed job. I have my own company called merchant Security. Do private armed security, escorts and bodyguard jobs. Mostly for city council members. Well, I was going 55 mph in the dark around 10pm. A full size truck hydroplaned across the median and hit me head on. I was air lifted to harbor view medical center. My neck is both fractured and broke. C1 is fractured and c3 is broken. Don't worry, not paralyzed. Both legs are broken. (both femors) my left arm is broken and right wrist as well. My left eye has a torn cornea. My recent back surgery left my spine weekend. So it broke in 4 spots there. I'm not expected to ever walk again and if I do, it will be limited and not for a long time. My stomach is torn where I had an anti reflux surgery in 2007. It's sewn up now. Can't eat tho for a while. I have a peg tube feeding tube for at least 6 to 8 weeks. And my dentures broke and cut my tongue really badly. The worst injury though, is my toe. I stubbed it. Kinda hurts now. So I nearly died. Have had 5 surgeries And several more planned. Next is at 6am. Will be out a while. My dog Yoda has passed away. He was with me. I really do wish I had not lived. I'm sure I'll be feeling different later but for now, my life kinda sucks. Thank you to may may for offering a vest for Yoda . He would've loved it. My mom salvaged his collar, tags and security vest. Cleaned the blood off and is keeping them safe. much love to you all. If it isn't too much to ask, if you could please pray for me . And my mommy. She's bad off. Nearly had a heart attack last night from stress. I'm sure it's gonna be fine, but there is a very real chance of dying in surgery or after. So I'll say it now, thank you all and God bless you. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Might be just forum folks to some, but a friends and some family to me. I'll check back in a bit before I go under. By by.
I just read your last post. So sorry about your accident and your precious Yoda. I’ll keep praying for you. Hoping that the doctors and staff can keep you as pain free as possible and that you can regain the ability to be able to walk again. You have a long road ahead, try to keep your faith and best wishes to you.
Stenen that is a very tragic And traumatic course of happening I’m very sorry that you’re going through this and Will be praying for you and hoping for as good of a recovery as possible. I also will say a prayer for Yoda.
Dear Steven, My prayers are with you. I am so sorry for your accident. May the Lord protect you and watch out over you always. My prayers for your Mom,I agree with you. sometimes it is better for the Lord to call us home. IF you don't I would get a do not resuscitate order signed with the hospital so they don't do everything in their power to keep you alive. There is such a thing as quality of life. I know pain well and the rehab will be a bitch. So sorry but the Lord may be telling you something. I am ready for the Lord to call me home-I want to go like my Uncle Joe went. Sitting in his chair watching TV at home. He fell asleep and never woke up. Blessings always.
Dear Steven,

I'm sending blessings for you and your mom for your continuing recovery. What a terribly difficult challenge you face. And dear Yoda, such a huge loss; may he rest in peace having been so well loved by you. I'm so glad that your mom saved his things for you.

Blessings always.
My heart goes out to you for the loss of your dog Yoda. You and your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers especially over the holidays. God bless you
I'm David one of his sons. My dad told me to text you about him. I put my picture up for now to see me. My dad is doing really good. He said he was having surgery again but he didn't know that he already had a lot of them already. And he only broke his right leg not the other and his wrist is in a brace but not broke. He is really confused right now. He is on a I've. And getting a hole bunch of narcotics. So I don't think he knows what he really wrote. But it's all true except what I corrected. He is moving his toes and can feel them more and more. The doctor said that he is swollen in his spine. As it goes down he should vget better. I m going to go see him later. My mom and I and my brothers are at a hotel a block away. I will say more if he wants me to. I'll ask if he wants calls. I know there's a few here he really likes. And I guess some people helped him get his house. Thank you for helping him. My mom wouldn't help And isn't gonna see him. She just took us here. I'll text back if he says to. Bye for now. .....David b.
Hi, David and Steven1980. What a deal. There are times when the only answer is prayer.
I agree with Barbara Drabek - get an "Advance Directive Toolkit" from the hospital. Not sure your Dad is eligible to fill it out, but at least you can get an idea of the alternatives and choices, maybe explain to your Dad when he's in shape to do so. If you or he fills out the forms, maybe have a non-family witness. While you're at it, fill one out for yourself. I think everyone should.
My experience with surgery and long hospital stays is that it worsens incontinence. My theory is it's the catheter. So that may be another burden for your dad. Maybe don't tell him now? He's got enough on his plate.
All we can do is pray for the best for your Dad and family, but you have it.

Don't forget you and your Mom. YOU have enough on your plate. You can't help him if you don't take care of yourselves. There is help and counseling available. Respite, too. Maybe talk to the chaplain. There is Hospice for your dad. It isn't just for dying.

Hang in there.
Thanks You very much David for keeping us in touch. Merry Christmas and may the Lord bless you, your Dad and family. Be grateful your Mom took you to the hospital. WE never know the wounds that others have or the reason. I am sure she feels bad. Keep us informed-blessings always.
Merry Christmas everyone. Sorry I'm late. I think I missed the party. 🤕 I got a nice present though... Dilaudid. 😵 I'm done with surgeries. Had 9 total. I go home in a few days. Maybe a week. Not sure. I'll have my 2 17 yr old boys with me and a nurse probably 1-2 times a day. I'll write more soon and probably put up a few pics too. Love you all. Thanks for your prayers. Steven.
Thanks for letting us know ho you are doing. May the Lord bless with quick healing and lots of comfort. I am very glad to hear your boys are with you. Many blessings in the new Year.
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