off-topic, but desperate

Thank You snow, life is a gift. We live so much better than the rest of the world. We need to remember this, Blessings-hope things work out well for you. If I stay with my boyfriend and we go back out west in a couple of years to visit his kids, if we go though Salt Lake City, maybe we can met for lunch, That would be fun. Nice to put a face to the people we talk and chat with on line. This group is outstanding. It is so good to be honest and ask for support. Be careful, each day is a gift. This is nothing compared to how the rest of the world lives. Medical care gives us a life, it is not as good as it could be, however we need to say so and try our best. You will survive. We all do. This stuff is all temporary, it is not eternal. Our life with Jesus will be a breeze compared to what we went though here.
Sounds great. I will put you on my list. My email is give me a way you are comfortable with to contact you if we go out there together. I will call or email whatever way you feel is best. Right now we are not getting along too well. So one never knows. Blessings
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