Muscle spasms


Staff member
In i just read an article saying ELECTROLYTE WATER was a big help in alleviating muscle spasms. I dont have MS but i thought muscle spasms and over active bladder are hand in hand.
Apparently it is sold at Walmart
Thanks for sharing Maymay.With my condition I frequently have muscle spasms in my feet and legs I'll give this a try to see if it helps with that.
Quite some years ago, my Neurologist prescribed Gabapentin for spasms. They worked for me, & it's not known for very much side effects. A new Doc said there are better ones, now, but said "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
I like the idea of a non-prescription fix. Got to be cheaper. I think I've seen electrolytic water at other places.
MayMay: did the article say if there is a brand difference?
Yes that was another thing mentioned but high sugar and some lack things like potassium
I get sick of water in general and don't like soda so this might be a nice treat
Alasouth the article mentioned Walmart and bought something on l8ne called BOUY which sounds like a machine that produces electrolytes but it wasn't clear to me
MayMay: sugar at night is bad for my incontinence, anyway. Recently, the Doctor had to reduce my Potassium for another reason, including lab tests. Not sure that changed anything. I was on both an OTC (his orders) & a Rx potassium (heart issue). Down to the Rx; we'll see.
I have friend w/RH, i think she's on electrolytes, but her RH is advanced. She spends half the year in New Zealand - their medical system is enough different from ours that I wonder if they do a better job at Incontinence. Doesn't sound like the British do. Anyone in other countries have a report? Maybe there are ideas we can use. Trouble is, people with it under control probably aren't on here?
Good point t Alas there are people who claimed they found dome apperent relief and would keep us posted but few do come back to say results are still good 6 months later
I was married to a Kiwi and have spent time in NZ. The public medical system in New Zealand is identical to the medical system in the UK: it’s pretty crappy, no private rooms, very few choices in providers for patients. My former mother-in-law’s diabetes was supposedly “controlled” exclusively by her sucking on glucose tablets - yeah, right. Try, insulin, and/or the various supplemental medications we in the U.S. all have access to, like Trulicity.

NZ’s approach to mental health disorders is totally preposterous and inappropriate. They think you can conquer everything with willpower - as if! I imagine their approach to similar with incontinence: don’t talk about it, and it won’t exist (rightttttttt...).
All I can think is that a diabetic can have low blood sugar and needs a quick boost between insulin and meals. I should know all about diabetes as it is in my family but I've not educated myself beyond making sure they have snacks for this event between meals
@Maymay941 Yes, that’s when glucose tablets do help, but not as much as drinking orange juice helps. And then what’s her treatment for right after meals, when her sugar levels skyrocket? The NZ healthcare system didn’t discuss that with her. Being a daughter-in-law on the brink of divorce, I didn’t feel compelled to help educate her. I wish her well.
Darned if I know but I would think the thing for anyone diagnosed with diabetes would surely wa t to do an in depth research on.
I live in a fools paradise, the things I do not know.
I'm not an expert in diabetes by any stretch of the imagination but I think educating patients would be the key. From what I do know managing diabetes makes the difference between things going smoothly and complications setting in. If it were me I would want to know how to avoid those complications and what to do to keep things on an even keel. I have only one body and I do want to do what I can to keep it functioning as free from complications as possible. I would think that would be a priority on anyone's list!
Isn't that the truth Bill.
I never dreamed my bladder would fail me. My body was always such a good workhorse
It's not your fault at all. There are worse things that can happen, believe me! I had some heart issues in the past but that gave me really good incentive to take care of myself so I try not to end up in the same situation ever again. It's kind of scary, really. So I think the important thing is we still maintain what we do have and really take care of ourselves. It pays off in the long run. And your body will continue to be a good workhorse. Just pay attention to what it's telling you!
Wife has serious diabetes, I'm mild (as such things go).
I know it sounds corny, but there is nothing like starting your education with "Diabetes for Dummies". But if you want more, it takes some real searching. Get in a hour with a diabetes nurse, and another with a food nutrictonist. And ignore all those stupid ads on the internet for "miracle cures" and "miracle foods".
Glucose Tablets are a good emergency item, cheap enough, easy to carry in a purse or pocket, easier than finding orange juice or carrying cans around.
Dang! I'll never go back to the hospital that put me on insulin (by sending a prescription in), and never gave me the standard training, and never even told me they'd done it! So bad medical isn't just a Kiwi problem.
My regular doctor was horrified and had the diabetes nurse up in an hour to give me the basics, answer questions, etc.
Is there a link between diabetes and incontinence? Probably at least part of a syndrome. I iknow excess sugar makes me pee more....
Excess sugar equals excessive! pee!

Good point Alas for everyone
Sugar an caffeine are devils to avoid to avoid a void
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