Looking for a product that might not exist


Staff member
Been meaning to ask this for quite a while and today might not be the best time but here I am!

Does anyone know of a pad that is small in the sense of being not long? I don't pee in bed or when lying down or sitting but if I do need to go once standing I could leave a trail of drips to the bathroom. Seems like such a waste to use a pull up for such a short time and amount but I do need something. I've tried tissue or paper towels but they often are not suitable. I'm thinking I need something that's about 4" x 4". Got any ideas?

Anyway, merry Christmas happy holidays hoping everyone has lots of happiness!
Hasocare guards are a good product. They are about 4x7,and are thin and light.Amazon has them at a good price
These work well. And they’re less than most. Plus no bulk.
You might be able to commission a cloth product. I don't know of anything off the shelf that fits this description.
I use men's pads from Kroger. Not the size you are looking for. I went by price. I think the package count is 52 pads that go for $7.99. They work for me. If someone has a source for a better price I'd like to hear about it.
The store brand men’s guards, Northshore probably has them to, or Depend men’s guards.
They work well for minor or short term fix. 😊
I used to use a kids size 3 when I was at home or work but depending on how much you lose a 6 may be the better choice for you. You can't wear boxers, though- it's gotta be tighty-whiteys. Now I am using a pull up more and more of the time and a tape up brief the rest of the time.
I think allot of use have used the kids diapers at some point just fold the flaps over or cut them off. Cheaper and pretty absorbent. Good thinking.
Hi @etamilbus, I hope you had a Merry Chrismas and all the best for 2020!
I suggest you check out the following light leakage pads:

Tena Day Light Pad: $69.85 ($0.48/unit)

Tena Light Bladder Leakage: $68.95 ($0.57/unit)

Attends Guards for Light Urinary Incontinence: $56.95 ($0.89/unit)
following up on my own situation. when i’m out and about (which for now is not happening)i definitely need to be wearing protection all the time for both fecal and urinary. lately urinary has been not as severe though. generally at home i can hold pee long enough to make it to the bathroom even if occupied. however when i’m out sooner or later it happens. fecal is another story. it does not move at all at times but then when it gets going it goes. i find that if lying down, it stays in place and maybe this is why i have never had a problem at home. now, with not going outside at all i don’t seem to be having any accidents. but the big problem and why i posted this thread to begin with is that when i get up 2 - 5 times over night, i likely will drip and even gush on my way to the bathroom. that is why i want a small pad that will handle the situation and not be expensive. wearing my pullups works but then i end up leaving them on to get my money’s worth which is ok, i get lazy some times and just don’t want to go to the bathroom in situations like in my washing dishes thread where it starts kind of unexpected or too soon after the last visit to the toilet. but still i’d like to find a pad that is small enough for one time use that won’t cost a lot. the above wrap pad for me does not stay in place at all even if lying down and full underwear i don’t really need to use all the time. oh well, i guess small pads don’t exist. if there’s no profit, there’s no reason to make it..
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