Long Overdue


Staff member
Hi everyone! I just got through my first semester and I'm so happy to have time for myself again. I really missed the forum and just having people who understand what I go through each day and night.

Stress did not help at all with my nocturnal incontinence but the desmopressin did help although the side effects sucked i.e fatigue when I was already tired from class work. I've been alternating between taking it, refraining from drinking, and using NorthShore briefs.

Enough about me though! How is everyone? And hello to the new ones! How is everyone surviving COVID-19 and the 'pandemic fatigue '?
Hi 23, Good to hear from you again! And congratulations on surviving the first semester and coming out in one piece!!! :D You're on a roll now!!!:D Just keep up the good work! I am looking at 2021 most hopefully and plan to get the vaccine when it's available. I'd love to see if we can put this covid to rest for once and for all!
Enough about that, though! I hope you're enjoying the time off for the holidays and will soon be eager to pick up those books and notes once again!
Take care and drop in whenever you can!
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