Long day, Trial implant.


Staff member
This morning I got the trial Axonics implant. Call tomorrow with the rep to see how things are going.

The only thing I feel right now is a constant light thumping. Nothing has changed as far as accidents yet but lucky only bladder (Granted I just ate for the first time a bit ago so)

Hope this week gives me a good indication as to if this is going to work for me.
We are hoping for the best for you! It's going to take some time and just plain getting used to things, and that goes with the territory. I hope getting the implant itself went well and that you feel encouraged. Please let us know how things are going and know we want this to work for you.
I hope it works well for you! Please keep us updated on how it's doing.

Where do you feel the thumping?
Wow! You did it! I hope that you get really good results. I, too, hope that you will keep us updated.
I was just thinking. You will have to make a mighty mental shift from being a patient and pain focused to a different lifestyle when they get this stuff sorted out
If the thumping with Axonic is like the Medtronic device the rep. should be able to deal with that. With the Medtronic device it means the device is set too high. Although with the first one I had the thumping was described to me like a woodpecker tapping on the area between the anus and the balls. When set correctly it was not noticeable. Please keep us in the loop. Wishing you the best.


Yea, one day in and the thumping is crazy, But I can adjust it with my remote.

So, I just talked to my rep. No change in bladder stuff last night so I got to keep it at a light thumping feeling. I had on BM before they set the device up and one early this morning with a slight leak.

Rep said just keep at it and keep the level at a thumping so I have to adjust it as I do different things.


Do not know that I will be okay with it thumping all the time as last night I got into a position where I could not feel it then adjusted it and was like, yea, that is obnoxious. The idea is to use it to retrain the nerve but as I told my Rep I have a muscle issue so this may not work for me.

I have my rep's direct number and have to keep her posted so we will see.
Good for you Guy. You might keep an incontinence diary so you can show what if or anything is changing during this trial.
And it I a TRIAL not a GIVEN.
AND MONITOR the effect on your Pain.
@snow, I didn't find the sensation to be a "thumping." The rep. told me it would be like a woodpecker tapping in that area. That typically lasted for just a few minutes. The ThatFLGuy is in Stage 1, correct, ThatFLGuy?

I'm assuming the rep will be able to adjust the device during stage 1. Like Maymay941 stated an incontinence diary will determine how much the device will be beneficial. I had to keep my diary for two weeks with a company "support team member" calling me every other day to collect the data. The goal is to make at least a 50% improvement. If not, stage 2 probably won't be implanted. I know we are all hoping this will improve ThatFLGuy's QoL.
@ThatFLGuy: Hey man,

Just stopped in and saw your on a trial device. Is it a different brand of Interstim? Either way, from looking at your posts - everything sounds pretty regular from the experience that I had with my Medtronic Rep.

Don't be lazy about the bladder diary as @Maymay941 brought up a good point about keeping one, it is a good log to be advised on how to see your bladder control progresses. I will be sending prayers that it does progress for you man.

I saw symptom improvements within the first 2-3 days. The device they give you should be similar to a Samsung Smartphone (not sure for Axonics) and the tingling sensation you feel is completely normal.

I never had that feeling until it was turned on for a few seconds, and also when the specialist has you "Calibrate" the device when making changes.

Rooting for you @ThatFLGuy. 🙏

I have a Medtronic device.

For me, the feeling I get, and its location, depends on the channel and its amplitude. It can feel like thumping or even stinging. It also changes as I shift positions; but mostly I feel nothing.

What, over time, did it do for you?

I only have a one-week trial so not much time to see if it is right for me.
And that is UNFAIR
Your body your choice.
Two weeks trial is STANDARD

My doctor and the rep made that choice baised on how bad my issues are. I can not shower or bath with this temporary thing so if I had it for two weeks they were really worried about my skin because wipes are not made to be an end solution for cleaning up from a bowel accident. I still have the final say and the rep even understands that this is a big long shot.
ThatFLGuy said:

What, over time, did it do for you?

I only have a one-week trial so not much time to see if it is right for me.

Of course, my situation is not nearly as bad as you describe yours to be. May God bless you in dealing with all of that!

I have an overactive bladder: that is, urgency and frequency, but not much pain. I was having to urinate about every 30 minutes day and night, but only producing about 4 ounces at a time. Leakage was very minor. Pain was only when I had been holding it too long.

The device has improved the time between voids. However, it did nothing for the pain of holding it too long. That was caused by enlarged prostate (BPH). That was remedied by several cystoscopy with dilation procedures, and finally with a "REZUM" procedure. That procedure reduced the prostate size using steam to destroy the cells. It's only a 5 minute job, and virtually pain free.
@ThatFLGuy Have your doctors tested your prostate values? Or testosterone?

I 100% agree about keeping a bladder voiding journal. I’ve had to do it before and after Botox and it’s very useful.

Regarding needing to be clean without showering, I highly recommend sitting on your knees next to the tub and sticking your head right under the tap. Also, I bought about 20 cheap washcloths from Walmart for $40 so I can always wipe with antibacterial soap and hot water on the washcloth. That is much more effective than any wipe. Sometimes I’ve had to just throw the washcloth away but 98% of the time I put them in the laundry. Keep in mind, I only have bladder incontinence rather than fecal, but I’ve had diarrhea for 2.5 years - I’m too scared to get it diagnosed; haven’t talked about that problem yet to anyone because I’m still barely admitting it to myself. I think it’s probably from how much Aleve/Naproxen I take. I don’t want to be told I can’t take it any more. But anyway I have definitely had a some poo accidents. I’ve had lots of surgeries now where I can’t shower. Maybe you can try the washcloths? They save money over disposables and are much better for the environment.

Know that we are rooting for you.

@MezaJarJarBinks The pain-free past sounds great! Glad something helped you eventually!
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