

Staff member
Has anyone out there ever filed suit against your Dr. for negligence, not diagnosing in a timely manner, or failure to diagnose? This is in relation to your prostate issues.
Does your state have a list? Some states keep track of how many complaints a lawyer or Doctor gets. There's a license Board for both. Maybe the bar association, for lawyers, but that doesn't seem likely, to me. Maybe the state's version of the AMA, for Docs. Some places make public the cases filed in court, at whatever stage the legal process is at. At the very least, there is probably a comment/review/ratings on the web, independent of the Gov't, of a doctor.
To be fair, any doctor will have detractors.
Lawyers applying for a Judgeship, here, get that put in the election pamphlet. Judges, too, for their re-appointment.
Mostly, for Doctors, we've gone with word-of-mouth. Never takne one to court.
We have asked nurse friends.
If you are looking for a lawyer, check to see if he has done that - it's a sort of specialty.
No, but given the lack of clear prognosis, post prostatectomy/cancer reduction, regarding loss of urinary control and ED, I wonder why more malpractice suits have not happened. Once Medicare pays, good luck, as many urologists are hands off afterwards. I was then sent to a supposed pelvic floor PT, who was hands off except for finger testing kegel muscles. Then for 4 more sessions merely sent me home with paperwork on diet, fluids, etc., which I had already self-researched. Seems more meta analysis research needs to focus on what happens after surgery by urologists, and prevalence of long-term problems. Of course that might cut into surgical profits, if cures were found. The sling/AUS are often temporary, and after the prostatectomy, another surgery is risky. Age and pre-existing conditions also plays a major role in recovery, which urologists need to be clearer about. My urologists expressed surprise that I would have doubts about my recovery of urinary control and ED, because I was in good physical condition. I was given a lengthy book to read, prior to removal, and the only real-life example provided was a male in early 40s, who recovered urinary control in 6 weeks. By far not what the majority of men achieve.
I'm not litigious. I don't need to carry bad experiences and energy for years, if not decades, into my future.
We attempted to sue the “Surgeon” (HACK) Who performed the completely wrong surgery, on the wrong person (ME)because he was drunk during the surgery according to two witnesses, including the surgical nurse. He left my legs paralyzed by attempting to cram hardware in my back that was meant for another unwitting patient. I was supposed to have the Titanium Wrap (think of the inner aluminum wrap around a champagne cork) to stabilize L5-S1.
Instead I ended up with rods and bolts securing L2 to S2 which caused Cauda-Equina syndrome by crushing the nerves in my Sacrum, effectively turning off my legs for two years. In these cases repair surgery is an emergency, but he kept me in the hospital for 10 days lying to us through his assistants (He never showed his face post-op). Only by being transferred to another hospital did we find out what he had done to me.This required another emergency surgery to attempt to stabilize my spine and as I’ve mentioned earlier 8 months in-patient rehab to learn to walk again.
It turned out he had 4 other similar events pending so they were effectively buried without a court order. By the time my attorney’s tracked him down, he had divested all of his assets and had been dropped by his insurance company.
It seems like a parting shot that they just found a few weeks ago the disk at L1 has now burst! I meet with the Neuros again on Monday to try to figure out what next as I’m already fused from S1 to L2, and my entire C-Spine….
We spent a TON of money and got zero back. At least I can walk again, but sadly this stuff happens far to often, we just never hear about it as even if they settle they all demand a non- disclosure agreement….
Be careful, best of luck!
@Sprung87 I haven’t read your story in such great detail before, but I remember it. This is the worst case of medical malpractice I’ve ever heard. I’m sorry you didn’t get any money. It is truly terrible all around. What a great lot you have survived! You know I feel you when it comes to having your entire spine hurt and having all of the lumbar discs blown out. The pain never ends and opioids don’t even cut it. We sure put a lot of trust in our surgeons. That is part of my hesitation of getting my knee replaced.

What is the difference between Neurogenic Bladder and Cauda-Equina?
Snow, you have no idea how much we have in common! A gravel truck crushed me, it took a mountain to crush you! As I mentioned I have only been an amateur athlete and in competitive Martial Arts since I was a kid, but switched to competitive Shotokan Karate (Think MMA) in college until the botched surgery above in 2007. 100 mile on road cyclist / Black Diamond single track mountain biker, etc. etc. essentially huge adrenaline junkie
Since Covid began I’ve been training to bulk up my legs by cycling & hiking with my Husky 6 days a week, so I can get two medial knee replacements, too many kicks on the heavy bag!
I had 7 partial laminectomies & spacer implants in my C-Spine since the Lumbar mess in 2007. Apparently when the idiot surgeon did the wrong surgery it compressed my spine upward, blowing disk after disk. In January of last year I had a tumor removed from my C-Spine and by the time they listened to me it had pushed the spacers onto my cord turning off my right arm, and finally perforated the Dural Sac requiring emergency surgery and complete fusion. I had to get bigger mirrors on my Jeep since I can’t turn my head much!
In August off reading in the Jeep to our favorite hiking near the Blue Ridge I got a rock stuck in my brake. When I unbolted the 180 lbs tire it tried to roll away! Like an idiot I reacted and grabbed it before it took off shredding my Biceps\ Triceps tendons and tearing my Labrum off the bone.
My dog is smart, but he just couldn’t get that damn tire back on no matter what I promised him, he just sat there an laughed at me! So I see my shoulder surgeon (Very Good, his own bust in Cooperstown Hall of Fame for fixing so many MLB Pitchers).. Labrum is irreparable, so I tape up every morning to heal the tendons in my arm.
Last month Leg pain / Sciatica pain started going nuts, so although once again Doc’s said pain in my head, stop training so hard, WHAT? MRI shows extensive arthritis at every level of spine, small tumor L2 and blown disk L1 & nerve roots pinched at at least 3 Lumbar levels from osteophytes???
So tomorrow I’ll do what I always do, take Blue for a hike with my wife, go to brunch, watch the Pro-Bowl….
Neurogenic Bladder simply means the nerves don’t talk nice to each other causing spasms and pain similar to OAB, but the nerves to the sphincters have it backwards when they do chat! If I have a urge instead of slamming shut they go wide open! Every day is a bit different, sometimes the sphincters just open themselves during spasms. When I used to try to empty my bladder normally they lock closed and kidney pressure through the roof!
Cauda-Equina (Latin for Horse Tail) describes what the nerves in your Sacroiliac Spine look like, and the term is used when they are injured. The difference is often huge and potentially life threatening. You can be paralyzed from the injury down or up the spinal circuit including lungs, heart, blood pressure regulation etc. on top of all the other stuff. First sign is complete loss of bladder & bowel control and all the surrounding parts.
Lucky for me I regained all but bladder control and occasional bowel incidents.

Sorry for rambling, Humpty Dumpty here has got bad insomnia and is held together with spit, glue & paper clips at this point, but the only way I can see (My neck doesn’t turn well!} is forward, so that’s where I attempt to go every day!
Snow, Thank You! If I’ve learned anything, things can always be worse! I can’t allow myself to get down or feel sorry for myself, I’ve got too much life to live!
Years back while recovering from a series of surgeries, I volunteered at Children’s Memorial Hospital. A truly life changing decision. Initially I offered just to read to the kids etc. Later I would take my dog (Husky #1) to visit them as well. Just to hear a giggle, see a smile puts your heart & mind right….
If you want to meet some TOUGH! Humans, go to the children’s cancer center. Those kids really taught me about living & fighting, and recognizing how little we are really in control of. It puts all this stuff we deal with in perspective. I really hated having to go back to work after spending almost a year there.
If your heart hurts, your not sharing enough of it!
@Sprung87 What wonderful, exciting stories, minus the pain, of course! You’re correct; out stories are similar. My neck is becoming a constant distraction at work. I think I probably had Cauda Equina at the time of the cliff fall. I can’t feel a quarter of my trunk, down past, and including, the ass cheek. I have bladder incontinence and some fecal, starting to happen increasingly. I read about it last night, sounds like it takes a cauda equina injury to lead to Neurogenic Bladder. Apples and oranges; nothing can be done for either. I have sciatica and numbness enough that it made my foot-and ankle too numb to notice that I was putting them down sideways, then stood up on them with all my body weight, foot totally sideways.

I started going to a pain doctor in mid-Oct. I’m not having much success. Nothing I’ve been prescribed is helping more than 1 Tylenol or 1 Aleve. She wants monthly bloodwork to make sure I’m not on street drugs. I feel criminalized. She’s 30 miles away from me. So I miss 1.5 hours roundtrip of paid work hours, - hundreds of dollars - to see her, but more importantly, missing work makes my stress go through the roof and I’ll work until 4:00 a.m. that night. If I’m not getting enough pain relationship relief out of the relationship, I’m not going out there every month. She doesn’t like that I take Ambien, but that’s my favorite and most crucial medication as far as I’m concerned and I will not give it up. So I don’t think I’m gonna get much out of her. It sucks. Every day brings more pain. I have been pretty happy for two years before I started this stupid new job. I would be fine with the job if it was just 9 to 5! One night this week, I worked until 6:00 a.m. and had to get up again at 6:30 a.m.

I volunteer a lot and have, through all the injuries. I take care of my parents all weekend. I just find the people in my life to be unsympathetic and insensitive. Unloving. I get a hug twice a year if I’m lucky. Doesn’t help that my friends are in CA and I’m in Utah.

Your story is inspiring and I will keep on keeping on!

Any tips with getting more relief from a pain doctor?
Snow, that's insane and demeaning. Alaska - like a lot of states - has a database of every Rx for painkillers - like opiods. The doc and the pharmacist check it every time. But a blood test every month? To differentiate between street drugs and Rx drugs is lengthy and expensive testing. Hell, eating poppyseeds on a bagel can ring a positive for opium. Tell her she is paying for it! Ask her for the missing wages, too.
Had an employer in the transportation business. We were on random testing, but we didn't have to pay for it and could take the test on work hours. It was the State - and because they went with the low bidder, we took the company to the US Coast Guard for violating the Federal Regulations when & how they did the tests. The testing was done right, after that, but that company didn't win the next bid.
Can opiods make incontinence worse? Constipation?
I hope you find a way around her.
Have you tried either oral CBD (it doesn't have THC - pot) - it helps me - or oral Diclofenac? I'm not sure if CBD is legal in all states. Tylenol does nothing for me, but Ibuprofen works - if that makes sense. Not sure diclofenac works for bad pain, but it does my mine. I seldom hit 5 on the pain scale, right now.
Good luck.
@Snow,@AlasSouth, We can thank our brilliant Politicians for all of these new rules & regulations. I still have to go in monthly for blood testing since they found an unusual substance in my urine test (turned out to be powder???). I’ve done TOO MUCH research into the Perdue family (OxyContin) and their relationships with Politician's, The DEA & Feds ordered to not prosecute etc. In one W. Virginia town of 800, they sold 70,000 Oxy pills per month etc. etc. CVS, Walgreens etc. 1 of the top 5 sellers admitted guilt for lying to doctors about addiction. NOBODY has gone to jail at the corporate level, just paid fines that do nothing for us or the addicted.
I spent time creating a program and as a counselor for those taking opiates, and monitored them. The numbers don’t lie & some people are at incredibly higher risk for addiction to substances, other like myself not at all. You may get addicted to living a full life with controlled pain, but who wouldn’t!
Long story short only under threat of class action lawsuit have I kept some of my pain meds. It’s just CRAZY how I went from a respected member of the team, to viewed as a pain in the ass because I refuse to fold and stop taking my MEDICATION under anew WOKE management team in just 5 years!
You look at the flood of Deadly Fentanyl coming in our southern border through the Mexican/ Chinese Cartels. Enough to kill 225,000,000 , yes 225 Million people in December alone! NOTHING IS DONE! How much got through if they’re only apprehending 5% ? Sadly just like “Gun Control” they go after the law abiding citizens just so they can say they are doing “SOMETHING” while ignoring the 98% causing all of the problems, while people like us suffer from their combined ignorance…..
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