Just started bed wetting in my 20s


Staff member
I have a prolapsed bladder and have started wetting the bed as well as day time wetting too. My fiancé is 14 years older and is supportive about but I'm so embarasseed and ashamed. I am dependent on diapers and as a result my self esteem is low how can I fix this and not feel like such a baby
The fix is something the doc will have to work with. I'm 33 and started having issues last year. Mine is due to nerve damage in my spine. Wearing diapers take awhile to get use too.
I was a chronic bedwetter (primary enuresis) into my late teens and didn't become reliably dry until I was a Senior in High School. Having to wear diapers, especially as I got into my teens, very nearly destroyed my self-esteem and it took me many years to get over the shame and put that away. Now fast forward to today, 50 years later...

I have in recent years developed an enlarged prostate (BPH) and have had to go back to wearing diapers due to incontinence, particularly at night but not only. Ugh; the memories this situation brought back were not good. (I will be having a prostate biopsy later this week to determine whether there is cancer present and, if so, how aggressive and whether it has begun to spread. Ugh again.)

So here's my point and my advice: I got over my boyhood shame and low self-esteem issues because of my teen bedwetting once I understood that it was NOT my fault. Despite my initial reaction to once again wetting the bed - and having to wear diapers, once again - it only took me a much shorter time to come to the same conclusion: this situation is NOT my fault, either. (Thanks, btw, to others here who helped me remember that. It was very helpful!)

Ask yourself this: If a problem develops with your eyesight due to a medical problem would you be embarrassed to wear glasses or contacts? No. If If you broke your arm would you be ashamed to wear a cast? No. If you had to wear, or use, any other device or aid due to almost any other medical issue would you be ashamed? Most likely not.

You have a medical condition and it is not your fault. There are ways to manage this condition. One way is wearing diapers. Another way is waking up in a wet bed and wetting your clothes while awake in the daytime. Which is the better choice? I think you know.

Hope this helps!
I to had some trouble growing up.Then in my 50,s started wetting the bed and pants my wife said a mattress cover and diapers were needed so now confined to them 24/7 the guilt was hard to deal with but after yrs have relaxed so not so bad .You should see the dr who may be able to help.
If needed...seek counseling on top of the medical treatment. The strongest of us have to work out issues sometimes.
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