Just BLOWING off a bit of steam!!


Staff member
Sorry to dump this out there, but my Wife is out of town enjoying some family time and I don’t want to ruin her trip….
Going back just to the first week of January 2020. They forced my pain management Doc out because he refused to abide by some new draconian mandates regarding pain management. Some new CRUSADER became Department Head of the pain management clinic (Largest & usually the best healthcare system in North Carolina)I’ve gone to since I arrived in Raleigh in 2015. Out of nowhere, without any notification he cut off my Clonazapam which I’ve taken for PTSD caused by my car wreck, when I was run over by a gravel truck and all this crap began. I’ve literally spent over 2 years in-patient since the accident in 1987, at 26 years old.
They refused to answer my calls, messages etc.& banned any of my other Doctors from refilling it, by saying I was cut off for abusing it! All INFURIATING LIES, he was just plucking cases and changing things to meet the new CDC Guidelines, without ever even speaking with me, let alone meeting me. Yes he was fired, but a bit too late for some of us, one 56 year old cancer patient committed suicide! This is when they finally started returning calls in a panic.
I gutted it out through insane full body seizures, fluids coming out of everywhere, 3 small strokes and my memory wiped clean. My Wife finally called an ambulance day 3. The seizures remain and the fecal incontinence is back whenever these things hit me on top of that I have intermittent saddle numbness, where all sensation from my knees to my ribs goes numb….
I’ve mentioned before my PCP (Good friend, Great Doctor) was so concerned she wanted me tested MRI, CT etc. immediately. My regular surgeon and Neuro all of a sudden couldn’t get me in (I’m sure they were ordered to stay away due to pending litigation) so my PCP sent me to another private Neuro Practice, that screwed me around for 14 months trying to tell me all I needed was a Morphine Pain Pump installed, then when I finally got back in to see my real Neurologist, they refused to send over any of my records until I went into their offices and called the police and told them there was going to be an assault! (This is the same JERK that among other insults, when he saw my adult diaper said “You do know there are ways ADULTS handle going to the bathroom!) This was in front of my Wife, and I asked him to meet me in the parking lot for 90 seconds, I’d show him how adults trained in martial arts for 30 years treat
Anyhow, to my point I met with my Neurologist on Tuesday and she confirmed extensive spinal collapse from L4-3 to L1-T12, but these results were now over 18 months old, and we would need a fresh MRI.
Today I met with my new Urologist (too much blood in urine). When I went in to have my vitals taken, the receptionist didn’t know I could hear and called someone and told them I was here, get Dr. Baker up here now! A bit unnerving since I just saw her Tuesday, but as I met with the new Urologist, she explained Dr. Baker needed to speak face to face with me.
It turns out she showed my Neurosurgeon my MRI from last year and he immediately ordered a new MRI, CT scan, Myelogram and full body scan. We will see starting next week, but they may have to sew up my 10” abdominal tear before even opening my back if they can wait. Apparently it’s very hard to hold you together when both your abs & back muscles are torn/ cut.
Believe it or not I’m more concerned about the bloody urine now, I thought it was just more cracks, fissures or cysts in my bladder, but now they need to be positive as my body is producing way too many red cells now? I lost my Father to blood cancer, and his brother and currently one of my brothers is fighting Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma….
So I’ve got to wait and see who calls for what first tomorrow, as they need to do the complete camera scope of my bladder before they can rule anything including my kidneys out!
I so bad wanted to reach for my favorite bottle of Scotch tonight, but I need my head together, so I thought I’d bother you guys with my @#$&%!y day!
I apologize in advance, just needed to blow off some steam!
Y’all have a good night!
Dear Sprung,
it's good that you are opening up and talking about your case cause people needs others to listen to them and support them in their rough times plus it releases some stress and gives some inner comfort.
Sorry that you're going through all this, but be sure that you are a strong person and a warrior in your own way ... don't loose hope in God's miracles ... get well soon and have a bless day.
I feel for you here in pa upmc can’t keep good Dr because of the so called new mandate’s I’ve had 4 new pcp because of it so now I won’t use umpc drs or hospitals I’ve been driving about 2 hr to see other providers to get the care I need I hope and pray that you can get the help you need as soon as possible
Hello Sprung87,

Learn to take three deep breaths and then give them (composed) HELL! Speaking up (and out) is the best way to let others know that everyone need help, compassion and accommodation. Too often, especially in health care, everyone gets wrapped up in protocols and, the individual person becomes just another case. Slow them down and "help" them realize that they're in the "helping" profession. Somehow this has been lost in our "robotic" society. You've endured much. Hang in there. We're all praying for you.
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