Just a thought, respectfully

@Boomersway I understand how to abuse data fields, I just can't bring myself to do it. It's a data geek thing
This is a great idea though maymay!! My UI is cause by a motorcycle accident and has gotten progressively worse since. It’s been 15 yrs now since I’ve had to wear diapers.
Squander said:
@Boomersway I understand how to abuse data fields, I just can't bring myself to do it. It's a data geek thing

Squander my good friend, I'm far from geek, but I did stay in a Holiday Express last night!! HeHe
Dear MayMay941 and friends, I am doing great-thank you. I went on a bridge cruise last week and played bridge all week. Met some great people, did my exercises, on the last day I received enough points for my life masters in bridge it is like having a black belt. I am so happy now. Larry Cohen gives out little trophies so I have one now. They are giving out 80% less points than before because bridge cruises are considered close events and not open to the public. So it was not as easy as I though it was going to be. IF we hand't won on Saturday-I don't think I would have received my life masters. I am leaving next week for IL with my friend for a family reunion. MY Aunt til is my Godmother and she is 105 years young. It is unbelievable. I am so excited,I am calling all my friends and setting up dates of where I use to live. Blessings-Barb Will be back more on line after I get my taxes finish and our trip. Be back the end of the month I hope. Blessings and good health to all. Barbie
How very exciting Barb!!!!!! Congrats on the Bridge Belt(lol) that is truly an accomplishment and needs to be celebrated properly!! Hope your trip is a great one and you can meet up with all your friends!! Sounds like you’ve been busy and enjoying life!! Take care and enjoy all your safe travels!!
My info. Bedwetting since middle school. Was only once every few months if so then. Now it’s a couple times a month or less. More if stressed though, like few times in a week.
My background.. Started Bed-wetting after a bad bicycle accident. I hit my head really hard without a helmet. I was out cold for a while. The big thing is that it is not the only thing that happened. I got poisoned by my family's spring water at age two, had massive seizure at age seven. My family doctor says it was like a brain reset switch. I had to relearn everything. I had multiple concussions up to the bicycle accident the summer of 1999. I wet the bed a few time the rest of that summer but never said anything to my parents. The bunk beds at my families PA. home have hospital mattresses on them so it was easy to hid a small accident. Here in FL. my parents house at the time was in the middle of the state and I had my own room which was a converted porch that was also or laundry room. The fall of that year right after turning 16 is when I told my parents. I have three step siblings that left for their moms and my younger brother wanted to stay out in my room. I fought against it but lost to my parents. Well the bed ended up wet and I told my brother about the issue and then Told my parents. That lead to a lot of tests and wearing products at night. Nothing was ever found and doctors pushed drugs. That lead to a lot worse things. At 18 while on one drug I punched my way through a window. That ended the pills for me. I had no emotions and never felt the pain of breaking my hand. I would have went with the brain study that they wanted to do, but I aged out of my parents Insurance before I was willing to work with a doctor again. Now at age 34 you all know the rest of the story from my other posts so that is it..
@ThatFLGuy I know from your previous posts that you had problems, but you have certainly been through a tough time. Feel free to pm me if you would like to chat further, cheers Phil
Be at peace, we have all made mistakes in the past. The thing is to learn from them and move on. Always remember-live in the now and be grateful. Thank the Lord for all your blessings. You have contact with people like some of us who have been though other life challenging stuff. Thank you for sharing-one day when I have more time-I will share my story-married to an alcoholic for 34 years with angry managements issues, being misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia and having a megalomania brain tumor the size of an orange taken out in 2011. I was sick for over 20 years and lived in my bedroom. No one believe I was sick or in that much pain.
After the surgery,No one said to me great-you are out of the pain after the surgery. NO one was happy for me. I understand-we do crazy things when we are hurt and don't understand the consequences. We can correct and live on. I went to therapy last year for my pelvic floor to strengthen it which has helped a lot. I am on medicare now and have sleep issues. I don't know if it is from the brain tumor, living in anxiety and being a victim most of my life-etc. However I am off drugs, exercising and and trying to make the most of the years the Lord has given me. This all any of us can do. We must remember we live better than 99% of the world. Let us rejoice and be glad.
ty, life is hard-I am blessed with my faith, being Catholic we are use to suffering and know that one day this will be better for all of us. Having faith-helps a lot. The Lord i my Sheppard-I shall not want.etc. I love this psalm. Talk with you later-we are going to Williamsburg in June for 7 days to use the last time share that we have. Great way to vacation. Blessings-Barb
Live your life with all the power of your spirit Barbara! I almost want to call you The Fabulous Miss B after reading your posts in the past and seeing you now.
Have a lovely vacation
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