Just a thought, respectfully


Staff member
Would it be too invasive to ask that we put a note in our profile what is known of the origin of our condition as some advice might be very pertinent if say the answer is a motor vehicle accident or diabetes onset or bed wetting unknown cause. That way if a specific medical condition treatment or medication is being discussed the person questioning could see if the responder has detailed experience in the treatment or remedies.
It might also comfort those who just woke up one day with a wet bed or urgent bladder but no clear diagnosis.
It would probably be good to note if one has met with physicians to actually diagnose ones problem.
I just put a note in my linkedin section of profile as no good place to add this info
I'm not sure what to put. I'm very new to this. I had Bronchitis for a couple of months and ended up having an ongoing issue with sneezing, coughing, basically anything of that nature causes me to pee. Do you havr any suggestions of what I should put?
Ok, so I just tried to update my profile and I see birth date, social media IDs, pictures, & videos, but no place for a note or description. Did I miss something? If not maybe it could be added depending on the forum platform.
My doctors haven't found a reason for my issues, although I'm sure it's related to my other health problems, diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc.

Also as a database person it drives me nuts to see people reusing data fields for other purposes. I have spent many an hour cleaning up data from programs that allowed this. That said I understand making due.
I may have similar cause. I am written off medically as an "non athletic" mature woman but i took an extraordinary fall on a wet floor that struck my ribs and twisted my back. It apparently tore ligaments in my hip which shortened my right leg and lessened my normal active, strong, fun loving lifestyle.
So i think my diagnosis is "woman, thats women and their weak pelvis" but factors like this life changing fall, depression (i literally drank a gallon of lemonade a day for months caring for my hospice case mother in Florida summer), empathy, i literally took on her symptoms of pain as soon they happened.
So after 2 years of no diagnosis but "woman." Which was woman in excruciating pain so no dancing no hiking no heavy lifting no great insurance no trust in surgery no relief from chiropractic i slipped getting into my car, it readjusted my hip back in its socket. Im still incontinent at night, i spray sideways in the toilet sometimes but by gum, i DANCE!
I just checked out my profile and see no place to put a condition. Most forums have a signature line and if this forum is created from cookie cutter forum software its probably just a check box away from us having a place to put condition.
Why not ask the webmaster (for want of the correct term) or whoever is hosting this site to please add a line for condition origin. Just a thought.
They will read this thread? I will alert them since its a popular idea
Ok i sent the web people a message.
MVA / head injury, and damage done when I kept pulling out my catheter. The whole thing just keeps getting worse.
Squander said:
Ok, so I just tried to update my profile and I see birth date, social media IDs, pictures, & videos, but no place for a note or description. Did I miss something? If not maybe it could be added depending on the forum platform.

Look at my profile
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