Is there any help that I can get to be excused from jury duty? I had mild to moderate oab when I was put on blood pressure meds that include a diuretic. My age and the meds complicate the issue. I also suffer from sporadic IBS. I was called to jury duty last year and took my medication along explaining my predicament. The judge would not release me and during the selection process the judge had the attorneys approach his bench and I could not wait any longer. I was in misery and pain I had to go so bad. So I ended up getting up to go, agitating some of the other jurors and really annoying the bailiff. I ended up being released for a different reason, but now I have been called to jury duty again and am terrified of having issues. Even with a doctor's excuse, whether or not I am excused is at the judge's discretion. I felt like I was not being taken seriously at all, as if it isn't really a "condition", particularly since one cannot see from my appearance that I have anything going on. Please, does anyone know anything that I can do. I'm so anxious about this whole thing and that does not help either.