
I work at a customer service center for a major auto-finance corp., my first real job out of college and been here for 30 years! Very good company w/ excellent benefits... I had NO symptoms pre-op and if they didn't take such good care of us (clinic on site w/ Dr visits weekly), may not have caught my prostate cancer in time (routine PSA bloodwork test).

Fortunately, since Covid, my company, like many others, allows me to work from home. I can do so w/o any issues for what I do. I prefer to be IN the office and had gone back full-time until my surgery - now, until post-op issues clear up, I am back to working from home, but we do have "WE" days at work that I attend. We had a "tailgate party" at work yesterday where each department decorates their areas with their favorite teams 'stuff', we all bring in tailgate food, some practice cheers and songs for when the judges come around to each area, we had football games (from YouTube) playing on one of the TV monitors in our office all day - it was a REALLY good time and first time I had been back in the office since surgery - so good to see everyone!

It is a hassle to pack everything I need when I plan an outing of any sort and it takes a lot OUT of ME, but overall, it's worth it. I still do some things w/ friends on weekends and still trying to coach my son's football team (3 games left), but I am amazed at how fatigued I am after going out of the house, even if I really don't 'do' much - takes a couple days (or longer) to recover. My wife, from experience, says may take 3-4 months or longer to get stamina back after a surgery - that like so many other things w/ all this post robotic radical prostatectomy, I was unaware and unprepared for, but working it out, as Blissfullyunaware said above - One day at a time! It HAS only been a month since my surgery! +God+bless+, everyone!!!
I started my own business half-way through grade 13 and continued for 9+ years. I was an independent in the field of automotive graphics (design and installation of tape stripes, large decals and graphics.) I sold the business, worked as a physical care attendant with physically disabled adults, then returned to work for the company I'd just sold. On third day, I got into a major car wreck, sustaining a head injury, but ultimately returned to the industry for another decade, albeit part-time. From there, I took some courses, tried various other jobs and realizing I wouldn't have another career, I've been working on the custodial team at my church for at least a dozen years now. I don't plan or wish to stop working any time soon, but am hoping to teach myself how to paint pinstripes as something to do when I 'retire' from what I am doing now. Am also planning to get back into the automotive graphics- mainly for fun- the industry is pretty much in hibernation and the closest thing to it- the sign business- hasn't the creative element I enjoy. I have a white car with a black interior, so what better 'canvas' to create on? As well, I don't possess the level of cognitive functioning or the stamina necessary to run a business again, so that isn't in the cards, but who knows? Maybe I could work part-time for someone in the sign industry, and enjoy that.
I work as a graphic designer for a large international law firm. I am also a professional choral singer, and just filed an application to become a volunteer architectural tour docent.
I love all these responses. So diverse, and tons of cool things going on.

Days like today where anxiety kicks in and bad thoughts creep into my brain it helps knowing there are others out there dealing with this same issue. It’s probably more common than any of us even realize.
21 years military 20 years big tire company 6 years managment for another company now part time and my fair share of golf
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 13 million people in the United States suffer from urinary incontinence. The condition is far more prevalent in women than men. In the general population aged 15 to 64 years old, 10–30 percent of women versus 1.5–5 percent of men are affected.

@iuwogeo Yes, your wife is correct: it definitely takes months, maybe even two years, to recover from a major surgery.
@iuwogeo It’s unfortunate there aren’t more women on this forum given how many more women than men are incontinent. At least 90-95% of the posts on this forum pertain to the prostate. I don’t understand why there are so few women here; it’s discouraging. Maybe it’s because women who are used to wearing menstrual pads have little to no problem going on to wear urinary pads or briefs after pregnancy. But I sure hate wearing diapers; they totally ended my dating life at age 39 and affected most other aspects of my life negatively. I also wish more people on the forum had Neurogenic Bladder. Oh well; I’m still happy to have this forum, that’s for sure!
My problems have nothing to do with my prostrate. I have a neurogenic bladder due to back surgeries (5 of them intact). I wish I would have never had my first surgery. Most people who have had back surgery all have had multiple back surgeries. Snow thank you for your courage to share with us from a woman’s perspective. I wish more women would share their stories too. We, I think most guys, can offer them a lot of support. I love women and feel their pain. You are all beautiful regardless of the incontinence and pads or diapers. It would be good for them to understand men are not just interested in sex. We all need someone to hold and love. Thanks again Snow. I agree with you and I’m here for you and all women going through this and other issues.
Thanks for asking the question.
I've picked up a lot of useful information here over time, but what keeps me coming back to the forum are the people here and the sense of community among folk who really understand what I'm going through because they are going through the same themselves.
I appreciate hearing that people here have lives as well as incontinence. It makes the ananymous usenames more real, and it gives a bit of hope to those of us who may feel (as I do) that our own lives have shrunk since incontinence hit.
For myself, I spent 25+ years as an analyst in the IT industry until I retired last year.
Chris318 said:
My problems have nothing to do with my prostrate. I have a neurogenic bladder due to back surgeries (5 of them intact). I wish I would have never had my first surgery. Most people who have had back surgery all have had multiple back surgeries. Snow thank you for your courage to share with us from a woman’s perspective. I wish more women would share their stories too. We, I think most guys, can offer them a lot of support. I love women and feel their pain. You are all beautiful regardless of the incontinence and pads or diapers. It would be good for them to understand men are not just interested in sex. We all need someone to hold and love. Thanks again Snow. I agree with you and I’m here for you and all women going through this and other issues.

I second thus post - for myself; I am a young adult who suffers from severe bladder problems/pain, and preexisting mental health conditions. Ive always been different all my life - I am currently not employed but a goal in the future once I get on my feet is to get a job coach of sorts to help me work part time.

Not that private big business would want me to be in the workforce - with my knowledge on labor unions and labor management firms corporate America would probably pay me not to work vs the otherwise lol 😅 how messed up is that?

Anyway, right now getting sorted out in a group home of sorts - but working on getting an affordable apartment and working with my case worker from there.

Blessings In Christ,
@Chris318 Thank you! Sorry to hear about your back. Eventually I’ll need back surgery because half my discs no longer exist or are herniated (so far), and I have spinal stenosis and osteopenia. So it’s coming. But everyone I know says back surgery only helps a little bit for a couple of years, And just lead to surgery after surgery after surgery with ever increasing pain and dysfunction. I’ve had chronic back pain since 2009, I’ve haven’t had one day worth of relief since then. But I will put it off for as long as I can, until it’s necessary to keep me out of a wheelchair! You and I both have Neurogenic Bladder; we are a minority here that way, so we must remember.
Your right Sniw to wait as long as you can to have back surgery. I wish I had someone to tell me that when I was younger. Once you have your first it seems to last about 5 years; then you’ll need another 5 years later. After each one the scar tissue builds up making it harder and harder for the surgeon. If I have another, they want to go in from the front because of scar tissue. As far as neurogenic bladder, I have sort of gotten used to wearing diapers, but I do have my days. I’m sure you do too. Your right again, most people on this site don’t have neurogenic bladders, but we all suffer in our own ways. I’ve had a good life and will continue living it as well as I can. Regardless of what is put in front of me. Take care Snow and remember I and all here are with you. Thanks for trying to stay positive. Take care and I look forward to hearing more from you.
snow said:
@iuwogeo It’s unfortunate there aren’t more women on this forum given how many more women than men are incontinent. At least 90-95% of the posts on this forum pertain to the prostate. I don’t understand why there are so few women here; it’s discouraging. Maybe it’s because women who are used to wearing menstrual pads have little to no problem going on to wear urinary pads or briefs after pregnancy. But I sure hate wearing diapers; they totally ended my dating life at age 39 and affected most other aspects of my life negatively. I also wish more people on the forum had Neurogenic Bladder. Oh well; I’m still happy to have this forum, that’s for sure!

Snow, it may take the right person, but no reason to stop dating!
I would just wait a few dates to discuss and make sure it was worth the risk (meaning you got to know the guy and was worth the effort) but, if the right guy, then would be understanding and if not, not worth your time anyhow!

Just my 2 pennies worth! Good luck & +God+bless+
@iuwogeo I agree, maybe one day someone will come out of the cracks but I’m not ready to actively pursue anyone just yet. I’ll probably wait until after I’ve had my knee replacements.
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