Is this weird?


Staff member
I keep having nightmares of wetting myself in different scenarios and I almost wet my bed with my best friend in it yesterday. Is it possible that the nightmares are a sign for me to wake up? She woke me up right before I was about to ruin my pajamas
You're not alone. Pee dreams usually lead to wet diapers for me too. Had many where I was exposed in a diaper publically that led to rather wet nights. Not direct causation as I still wet, but almost always a sign of a very wet night. Last night was one and I had to change at 1a. Two Megamax overnight did not make me happy, but better than a wet bed. I'm ready for cooler temps as it is horribly hot right now.
Okay thank you for telling me, it's not just me. I really only leak sometimes and wake up in the middle of it so I don't wear protection. Majority of the time, I sleep fine.
I’m not sure if I understand whether this is linked to prostate removal, prostate cancer or BNP or is it that you wear diapers because you leak anyway?
@Midren Neither. I'm female (username is my name backwards) I just noticed that my nightmares sometimes lead to accidents or close calls.I don't wear anything extra to sleep
My dreams are usually that I am frantically looking for a bathroom. Sometimes it is in a school or something and I keep finding bathrooms but they are out of order or everything is there but the toilet. It’s always massive places with lots of rooms and non-working bathrooms. I’m female and I just protect the bed and let whatever happen.
@wetdad I'm really nervous about my vacation in 2 weeks. I don't wanna fall asleep and.... end up getting kicked off the plane. I don't want people seeing me have a nightmare either. With my best friend last weekend, I woke up fidgeting and I was still holding myself. I would be really freaking embarrassed if I woke up like that on the plane or if my friends can't wake me up in time or if I wake up and have to try and run to the back of the plane or get stuck waiting in line after waking up. We're gonna be at the airport at 3 am and fly at 6 layover in NY and then fly again from 8-12 and I know I'm gonna be really sleepy. I was just gonna wear a liner for leaks. But now I'm concerned that won't be enough
@ayam, I can very much understand. I am going to vegas in a week for 5 days and then NC for 14. I am considering my options for how to transport my stash of garments. I do fly a lot. When I fly I like to sleep too. I always wear a very heavy diaper, then shaping panties, then plastic/waterproof cover with onesie. I can't say I have ever moved much while sleeping, but I sure have awoken on the far end of the trip very happy in my choice. I usually get a window so I can lean against it. I have tried some "lined" pants and find they can wick. I have recently opted for some pull ons that are thin but catch and distribute any leaks between the panty and waterproof layer like . I have also tried thin contour cloth over the diaper https://www.changingtimesdiaperco.c...loth-diapers/products/contoured-diapers-adult with pins instead of the panty, but opt for a more snug onesie for support. Sometimes too much support is actually your enemy! Most planes these days that I ride on have leather (or similar) seats so any leaks are mostly destructive to my pants rather than the seat.

I wish you safe travels with no issues!
@wetdad @Wetdad Thank you for the advice! I was going to get an aisle seat and try to remember to go pee before I go to sleep. Or see if my friends will wake me up hopefully if they see me fidgeting. I just don't want to have to wear a diaper. I can't do it. My family always made me pack extra clothes and undies for trips but not diapers or pull-ups. I haven't worn those since I was a toddler. My real issue is when I do wake up dry (majority of the time), I have to go right away. I can't really do that on a plane when I have to stay in line or if I wake up when we get there and have to take bags off and walk off the plane. That usually leads to leaks for me. My friends are being nice but I think I've already talked about my fears too much and I don't want to get on their nerves. I'm nervous because we're sharing a room with one bathroom. I don't wanna have an accident because they're taking too long in the bathroom or I don't wanna have a nightmare and wet the bed. My friend woke me up literally a minute before I was about to the last time she was here. I feel so bad. Had I not been talking in my sleep (and whimpering apparently) and poking her, I would have not woken her up for her to wake me up. I was still dreaming that I was about to have an accident. I'm nervous that will happen again except I'll accidentally wake up all 3 of them or what if I do wet the bed and we get charged. I'm just nervous because I usually just travel with family. They're used to it and I still feel anxious speaking up. I don't know how to explain it. I just get the words stuck in my throat when I have to announce I have to go. And then when I do say it, it comes out rushed but also kind of a stutter. I always end up using baby language and that makes me feel worse. I don't know why. I think part of it is I go more than most people around me so it is embarrassing and then having people watch me walk to the bathroom feels weird. I don't know. Like even in Grad School, I felt embarrassed walking out the class when no one else had to or when someone was in the middle of presenting a project and at my job too. At the concert last week, I already had to go but I couldn't say it in the car with my friend's sister and niece. When we got out my friend told me "I have to pee," then I was able to say "me too." We got to a Porta potty and there was a line and I started leaking and panicking and she told me to "Breathe" because I was about to cry and I'm pretty sure I whispered that I "gotta go potty," I ended up finishing in there but I had close calls the whole festival which lead to the incident above when I almost peed on her while we were sleep. My friend did say we were coming up with a code word for me to tell them while we're out so I don't just walk away. I don't know I just feel stupid and embarrassed and annoyed that this has been my body since I was little. No official diagnosis of anything bladder related. The only thing I've been told by doctors is stop dehydrating myself & drink more water and I think it's most likely related to having most of my intestines removed as a baby. Sorry for the rant. I just have a lot of feelings
Perhaps you need to wear a brief and trust in it. It sounds like you are not during these times but you did not say. It is odd giving in and letting it flow when you think you can hold it and get to the bathroom. I still try to make it when I can. When I cannot or the spasms hit too hard, I just give in and let it go and trust my brief. I am sure you friends will understand but for sure do not push it too hard on them. It is just underwear for us!
I don't fly very often, but the few times I've flown in the last couple years, I've worn a "Just-incase-diaper", and it's saved me every time. There are unknown factors when you fly, that you can't control.

Example 1. Airplane restrooms. Last flight I was on, one of the restrooms wasn't working, which created extra demand on the other one. When I had to "Go Now" (Urge incontinence) there were 3 people waiting for the slowpoke in the restroom. By the time I got my turn, my bladder had already given up, and I was wet.

Example 2. Stay buckled up!! Another flight I was on, we were going thru a lot of turbulence, which caused TWO things to happen... First, the stress made me have to pee even worse than usual. 2nd, the "Buckle UP" lights came on, and we were not allowed to leave our seats!! By the time the event was over, I had lost the fight, and again my diaper saved my dignity.

Example 3. Delays. A few years back, the flight I was on had several delays. First a crew delay, then a storm-related takeoff delay. By the time we were in the air, the 2 hour flight was turning into a 4 hour flight. I was dog-tired when I got on the plane, and I quickly fell asleep once we were airborne. Being as tired as I was, I didn't wake up until we were landing. While I felt rested, I was also wet.

So the question is, which would be more embarrassing for you? Wet pants, or wearing a diaper that no one will likely notice?
@DaveW49519 Thank you! All of those scenarios are fears I have. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I just don't have any clothes that will cover it. It'll be bulky with whatever I wear. I would have to get a Goodnite or something because I can't fit the adult ones.
I know the feeling. I’m in diapers 24/7 I do get embarrassed around friends and family. When I travel I go before I get on the plane and change too. I can usually wear a over night diaper so I know it won’t leak changing on a plane is not easy or thy some of the pull-ups but thy never did work for me
I still feel really anxious about this trip. I had a nightmare yesterday of me wetting my pants in my sleep on the plane. I've had that same dream over and over. Either that or the flight attendant makes me stay seated and when she comes back and says that I can go, I just cry because I already went. I woke up right when I was peeing in my dream, and made it (barely) to the bathroom, leaked on the way.

I just feel sad that I'm nervous. I've been flying since I was 2 and none of these scenarios happened on the plane before (well I had a close call with a little leaking once) but never in my sleep on the plane. I don't know why this is bothering me so much and I can't order any diapers before I go. I don't know. I just feel sad and I feel sad that I feel sad when there are other people on here with worse things happening. And it's so hard for me to tell people when I need to go. I hate that. Since I was little, the words just don't come out. Then when I finally get the courage to say it, I'm desperate. Sometimes the urge hits me out of nowhere and then sometimes I try and wait and then that leads to an accident that could have been avoided if I spoke up sooner. I don't know. My friend said she wants me to use a code word for when I have a hard time. But I feel like that's embarrassing too. I don't want to embarrass my friends, especially because depending on how close of a call it was, most of the time, I end up crying. And with an accident, I either end up crying or just sad. With the concert,I almost cried and then my best friend let me squeeze her hand. I don't wanna feel like I have to do that to feel better. My best friend told me "Everyone says they gotta go to the bathroom, it's no big deal." I tried explaining that it's really hard to do that and I don't know why but it just is.
I'm not even excited anymore but I can't cancel it. I'm nervous that they are going to tease me jokingly and I'm gonna be sad. I don't wanna get caught short in public. I don't wanna cry in public. I don't want us to share a room honestly because we have to share a bathroom and they are gonna be so annoyed with me waking up in the middle of the night to go pee or when I have a nightmare and wake up slightly confused, that is going to get annoying. I don't know. I feel a little sad and I've already talked to them about my fears and I normally don't discuss my feelings. I just have a bad feeling that I might wet the bed or my pants on the trip because the girls are probably gonna take long in the bathroom or we'll be somewhere crowded or something. I don't wanna end up saying something stupid when I get nervous.
But I wanted them to know that I do have a really hard time speaking up because they are not used to being around me like my family is. We met last year so this is our first time hanging out for days outside of working together. I just feel like bawling my eyes out right now and ironically cannot sleep because I woke up two hours ago to go to the bathroom. And I haven't been drinking a lot of water which I know doesn't help anything. I don't know. I'm sorry for ranting. I have nowhere else to get this out
@Greensleeves351 This is where I posted before I did the post about my nerves. I just have a lot of feelings
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