Is it just me?


Staff member
I had my difficult robotic prostate removal at the end of June 20 it left me catheterised for 6 weeks after which I had 6 months of infection and antibiotics, I am now almost completely incontinent although I’m pretty ok whilst sitting or in bed but as soon as I stand I leak, I practise my pelvic floor exercises in the hope of improving, has anybody else experienced similar? and can I expect improvement?
Do you leak constantly or while in motion? I am 3.5 months out and see improvement especially when sitting and when laying down. I have progressed to where most of my leaking Is related to movement and how tired I am. I know it is difficult but practice flexing your pelvic muscles when you move from sitting to standing. Also when you know you are going to move in a twisting motion. Things like that help.
After my prostate removal a year and a half ago, I was in the same condition. I didn't have the infection problems you had. After 6mo of no progress at all and a half million kegals, PT, etc I opted for an AUS. I haven't regretted my decision for a minute.
I had my radical prostatectomy Dec 2020. After many weeks I continued to show a small leak. After having 2 UTIs, my urologist suggested I remove the catheter after 7 weeks (!), hoping I would heal. Has anyone ever been told to remove their catheter even though their Urogram indicated a leak? Since I don't feel ill, I am waiting for my next appointment in May 2021. I will have to decide at that time whether I want to have a test to see if I ever healed. My continence is decent. As long as I urinate when I feel the need, my incontinence is primarily associated with when I am moving. I just hope all of my urine is voiding where it is supposed to be, and not internally.
Alh63 thanks for that, I practice pelvic floor several times a day and I think I’m the same as you sitting and laying in bed I’m almost dry, standing up or getting out of the car always leaks a bit and any kind of effort makes me slowly leak till my bladders empty, I’m going to try to remember to use my pelvic floor before rising and hope things slowly improve, I’ve got a doctors call on the 23rd I’ll see what he says, thanks again
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