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Is anyone on here familiar with the Interstim procedure, it works similar to a pacemaker. If so, what is your opinion on it?
Yes I am do your research and talk to your urologist. I have read different things about interstim pacemaker. Some people say it God sent and other say it put me through hell. I believe you will still need to wear diapers if you get interstim pacemaker but you might use less of them. I just staying my opinion!!! You should talk to your urologist or research the company that makes it. I would even check with other urologist too.
i turned it down. results weren't promising enough for me to be willing to get an implant. I'd most likely still be in diapers so what's the point.

I am considering PTNS though as it appears to have similar results but is non invasive.
Macsam said:
Is anyone on here familiar with the Interstim procedure, it works similar to a pacemaker. If so, what is your opinion on it?

As I mentioned before, it has worked for me, but I have had to make numerous adjustments over time. Some things to be aware of:

* You can change the power/amplitude of a given channel up to 9.0, but don't go beyond about 4.0. If you do you will run down the internal battery. I had to replace mine after only 18 months, because I wasn't aware of this. I was setting it at 8.5 before I told the doctor I was having problems. Tell your doctor if you aren't getting the results you need. He or the sales rep can change how each channel works until you find what works for you. There are 99 frequencies and each can be fine tuned.

* If you change channels to one you were using in the past, be prepared to quickly reduce the power. For example: Let's say I had been using channel #1 set to 3.0. Then I moved to channel #2 or #3 or #4. If I go back to channel #1 a few weeks/months later, it will will sting! So be ready to dial it down and then sneak back up until you feel something. It can literally "be a shock". Better yet reduce the amplitude before leaving a channel. That way if you ever go back to it again it won't be likely to sting.

* Be sure you understand how to use the remote device. The interface I have takes getting used to. In the beginning, I had accidentally turned the implant off. Maybe the UI of newer units will have improved by now.

* The electric pulse can change as you move your body. You might feel fine while standing, but get shocked while getting into bed or sitting down. Keep that remote nearby. You will just have to play with it to get what works for you.

* Also discuss with your doctor where you want the implant placed in your body. Since I carry a "heavy item" on my belt and I don't have enough fat on my butt, I asked him to place it above my belt line, on my back, not my butt. He was happy to accommodate me.
On my second Interstim. Does not work for me. Tried a second time only because of acquiring a new Urologist. Won’t have this one replaced. Can’t wait to have it removed. Total waste for me.
So you’re saying the Interstim is working for you? As of today I am going to start a low dose antibiotic,and I may try the Interstim device next.
I personally would not recommend the interstim device I had it placed in my left upper part of my buttcheek on 10-7-19 had it taken out 10-14-19 due to not working and let me tell you I am still in pain from the surgery. It did NOT work not even a little so I was put through two surgeries for nothing and here I am still in a mess sleeping in recliner for 9 months waking up saturated every morning diaper or not I am going to a university hospital in March. I am also having a sleep study in March as I don’t wake up at all during the night and have 94% deep sleep which could be contributing to my incontinence they say. I literally pray they find an answer I am miserable and so tired of this
I am hesitant to say that after six months I have had no improvement from the Interstim. I also did not respond to Botox. I say hesitant, because I suspect the people on this discussion board are more likely to be those who are like me. And those who have had success aren’t as likely to frequent the board. So you may not get a good cross section of Interstim patients.
Hi! I'm Diana and this is my first day joining and my first post. A little nervous, and hope I don't sound desperate, but I tested the InterStim device for two weeks in early October, 2019. It worked wonderfully for me. I have both bladder and bowel incontinence, due to childbirth, age and colon surgeries. I had ulcerative colitis in my 20's and had a colectomy at age 30. Over the years, I had 4 children, some bowel obstructions resulting in illeostomies that were reversed, a hernia, and well here I am at 62 years old dealing with incontinence now. Anyway, the insurance company had approved my surgery. I went back in on October 18 to get the implant. I'm at the hospital @ 5:30a.m. and prepped for the surgery @ 7:30. The surgeon comes in and informs me, and my husband, that the insurance denied the surgery at the 11th hour (as he called it). I laid there for 3 more hours as the surgeon tried to convince the insurance people, in between his other surgeries, to approve this second part of the surgery since my 2-weeks of testing proved that the device was greatly helping me. The insurance people told him that this surgery is medically unnecessary, and not proven to help with bowel incontinence. Hmmm, I kept a record of bladder/bowel episodes for those 2 weeks and I can tell you there was considerable improvement. Besides, it doesn't make sense that the first part of this surgery was approved, but not the second part, as they're connected when the test phase is successful. The surgeon ultimately had to take me back to surgery to remove the wires and pouch that were already in place.
It was a tough day. The nurses and Medtronic rep who were there couldn't believe it. The surgeon was upset and told us we should get a lawyer, and he'll support us. Having a hard time with all of this. I sent an Appeal for the denial back in November. Insurance hasn't responded yet, I've called them 6 times, but as of yesterday I was told on the phone that the denial is still in effect. I have to appeal again and send in additional information. Ok, I'll send them my bathroom diary I kept and articles I'm finding online. What more proof do they want? I'm sorry, I know none of you can help me, but I just wanted to say the InterStim worked for me, if only I could get it. I had 2 weeks of relief, that's all. Thanks for listening and good luck to all of you! :)
@DianaMC this must be very stressful I hope that the insurance company sorts something for you quickly, cheers Phil
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