Intelligence Leaks


Staff member
Here is the joke of the day.
I keep getting spam that says: Intelligence leaks! Black ops training available for Civilians for the First Time!

And I think Oh no! Another incontinence thread i must follow! I don't want to leak my intelligence!
Yea, its amazing the time they waste to send all this junk, but also preying on old folks too. With all the technology Silicone Valley has, you would think something could be done,, or maybe they don't want too?
Drones, clones and peppermint scones is what I say Boomer.
The trend of the education and commerce of this country is to create drones (worker bees with one sole job function), as in, " I'm sorry Ma'am, thats not in my job description to think or perform more than one circumscribed task." Clones, pledge sllegiance to the copporate structure, Drones, because if it doesnt make the copporation money we dont do it.
Peppermint scones? Well, scones are made with berries, cheese or chocolate bits but peppermint would be original thinking and creating something no one has ever done before. People might not buy them do its a wasteful idea to create something different just for the sake of seeing of it is of interest or benefit to snyone. (In fact peppermint is a good aide to digestion.).
Just by the fact of me laboriously spell checking this essay to conform to the commonly held spelling of the word is a drone activity that was not the means by which our pretechno revolutionary forebearers innovated and created the life that engendered our cureent comfortable, dull witted droning and so you or
I suffer from a lack of innovations that could cure our ills.
I digress but i neatly looped it around to the issue of a cure for pesky incontinence at the end right?
Squander, ever heard the expression "my brain is like a sponge"?!!
In this case, my brain is like chux pad .Lightweight and easily disposed of
Maymay941 said:
Squander, ever heard the expression "my brain is like a sponge"?!!
In this case, my brain is like chux pad .Lightweight and easily disposed of
Now I know where my memory went.
thanks for the evening chat-I am laughing- needed it-tough day-went to the hospital to see a friend who had a mild stroke yesterday-he is in his 80's. I think some day this might be me. I just hope I go in a flash. More people are alive today over 65 than all he people that have live to be 65. Conley doesn't see well, he has macro degeneration-he has essential tremor, and he is old. I see him fight to keep his health all the time. he is a wonderful man. I had such bad health for so many years with my brain tumor-I want to live now and enjoy life. The only thing now is my body said enough-I am tired-pisses me off sometimes-oh well. Blessings-Barb I feel bad-I noticed that Conley's smile for drooping on the left side of his face. I should have said something or called 911 myself.
Sorry Barbara, you are a good friend.
We dont always process changes we see in our friends. You see with your heart not your eyes.
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