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I know insomnia wrecks havoc on my body. I just can’t sleep tonight. I’m wide awake at 2am. Luckily I have no appointments tomorrow. Does anyone else struggle with insomnia? I know this doesn’t 100% deal with incontinence but it’s effected too.
I too suffer from insomnia on occasion. It's usually a either or type deal. Sleep like the dead or just lay there.
My meds usually knock me out but occasionally I’ll have a breakthrough episode. This gets harder as i get older.

I have trouble sleeping a lot. I use an essential oil defuser with an oil blend called pillow potion that works okay but not all the time.
I have been laid here awake for a few hours now and this has happened every night for a month or so. I really have no idea why as I have little to worry about other than the obvious. I have to drive my daughter back to university today and I am shattered before we set off. I will sort it out but for now it is starting to tire me out. Any advice is very welcome
I never sleep threw all the way until morning.

usually, for me, I have 1 of 2 reasons I'm up

1 is, if I'm in pain- I Can not sleep if I have stomach cramps, leg cramps, back ache, if I am feeling nauseious, anything like that- a lot of nights I go to bed with one of those issues (usually caused by lack of food, not good food, or something relating to my food)

if i am pain free, I'll usually have a good sleep and a good dream, and wake up- either if my diaper is full, or I am going in it. I can never get back to sleep after changing, and usually what happens with me is, I will go in to the sitting room and put the news on. 2/3:00 A.M is usually my get up time, anything later is considered a lay-in.
I take a 5mg Melatonin gummie from Costco, just before going to bed and it helps me get to sleep right away. I can then usually sleep 3 1/2 to 5 hours before the urge to pee wakes me. By then I'm mostly ready to get up anyway. And have a late morning nap. Or I may go back to bed for another hour or two. Anyway it works for me. A glass of milk before bed used to be helpful but it seemed to cause some phlegm buildup in my esophagus, so I quit that.
I have had this problem for a long time. I take Rx Ambien (or generic Zolpidem) and over-the-counter Unisom (or any store brand). They work better on an empty stomach.
Tonight I have gone for half a bottle of gin and tonic. I hope it works. I know it’s so wrong but I haven’t slept for 5 days in a row. Totally wrong but night night
I often struggle with sleep, but I don't think it's truly insomnia. For me, it's the insane, maddening itching caused by my liver issues that can interfere with sleep. Emily91 mentioned pain, which is another thing that can readily interfere with sleep.

Whatever causes it, sleeping troubles are miserable!
I knew that I couldn't sleep because my back hurt me for more than 10 years
I often get up to go to the bathroom and wait for the pain to pass
Since my operation I no longer have any pain and I sleep very, very deep and my bed-wetting has occurred.
Funny coincidence
To choose I prefer my bedwetting than having back pain, but bedwetting remains a handicap
I have OAB and get up to pee a couple of times a night, and after my 3 am pee I am not able to get back to sleep, or am up at least 2 hours every night. It is destroying me. I am trying to get an appointment with a doctor who specializes in CBT - Cognitive behavior therapy. I will share my experiences with this group to see if it helps.
Luckily I slept last night and am pretty tired tonight even though I’m in a lot of pain. Hopefully I can sleep. If all else fails I’ll take some pain meds
The thing that affects my sleep the most is tinnitus in my ears. Sometimes I cannot even wear headphones while gaming due to it.
Another poor nights sleep, awake from
4-00am for 2 1/2 hours. Not sure why, I think it is psychological now. I have conditioned my mind to switch on when I go for a pee. I have to sort this as it’s wearing me out. Good luck all.

I have tinnitus too. Mine sounds like cicadas. Thankfully, it's not loud enough to disturb my sleep, but I have pain and other issues that wake me up.
I have an appointment to see an ENT specialist this month. I've already had a hearing test and of course they see the answer is getting hearing aids, which I decline. After I wake up from sleeping at night or after naps I have a roaring in my head that sounds like I'm traveling on a busy highway with the windows rolled down and hearing the car and truck tires on the pavement. Sometimes the noise is almost unbearable. Along with this I have a vibration in my upper body and arms like a mild electrical shock that doesn't let up. Because I live just a half mile from I-40 I thought for a while that the traffic noise was what I was hearing as I can hear it at peak times when I'm outside, but then I don't feel the vibration. A friend said she has the roaring too. We share the same birthday but I'm three years older. I'm not looking to fix it as it's unlikely that that will happen and I'm not doing any more intrusive surgery, but I'd like to know, if possible, what's causing it. It started just this year. As Gilda Radner said on SNL in the 1970s: "If it ain't one thing, it's another!"

MezaJarJarBinks - have you clicked on any of those ads that claim to know how to stop tinnitus? I haven't because I know that they want to sell something and my doctor thinks it's a scam. Do you have the cicadas noise all the time or is it connnected to some activity? Does it affect your hearing otherwise?
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